North Africans getting karbaashed on Twitter 💀


الوقت من ذهب
Why you acting like Somalis don’t say these Africans to differentiate themselves or say madow especially back home
In reality, everyone does that in africa. Especially in areas like nigeria, with their own distinct populations such as the fulani and the hasua for example. It's not really a specific thing. You can go to multiple different african countries, they don't see themselves as a "race" but in their nationality tribe etc.
@Reformed J

Kinda embarrassing for you that a lightskin half-Somali like @Doctorabdi is trying to tell you, a full-blooded Faraax to have some self-respect.
No Way Reaction GIF
sometimes we deserve to get cooked honestly what type of somali decides to involve themselves in a situation not concerning us......... Id get it if it was like djibouti getting hated on but why here


@Reformed J

Kinda embarrassing for you that a lightskin half-Somali like @Doctorabdi is trying to tell you, a full-blooded Faraax to have some self-respect.
No Way Reaction GIF
The Rock Eye Roll GIF by WWE

LOL He has a personal gripe due to how his family was treated. While the OP of the tweet and the females here are tryna gatekeep what it means to be an african woman because they feel inferior to maghrebi bunnies. But by all means continue to enjoy your lash out thread.
sometimes we deserve to get cooked honestly what type of somali decides to involve themselves in a situation not concerning us......... Id get it if it was like djibouti getting hated on but why here
Who’s us? You can say Somali men**
Not simply just a gripe, let's not reduce to just that. I'm part maghrebi myself, i'm very aware of how maghrebis are like. But, even when you said "feel inferior to maghrebi bunnies". They have a point, again maghrebis only tip toe when they "african" or not. Black africans can't do that. Even the use of "bunnies" why defend maghrebis? I'll be blunt, they don't see that much different from other "Madows".
how are u treated by ur moroccan family? Been seeing a lot more somali x moroccan wedding last couple of years, seems like us, the sudanese and the senegelase are the only ''3azzi'' they tolerate
What? Ever heard of the mali empire or the songhai empire. And no somalis are the most "sub saharan" out of the horn. You are still 55-60 SSA sxb, stop with this self hatred. Somalis are somalis, it's literally been tens of thousands of years since said "mixture" civilizations didn't even exist back then. We were hunter gatherers, you clearly have a lack of knowledge on west africa and their rich cilvilizations and culture, you use european ideas of how "barbarian" africa is.

Even the term "sub saharan" is a leftoever, they believed "North africa" was superior and could make civilizations and tried to erase and attribute any civilizations further south to the influence of arabs egyptians etc.

West Africa keep in mind during this period, although it did have influence through it's religion and culture was still very isolated from the rest of the world

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A mixed guy being less of a beg than a full blooded Somali 💀 @Nin123 how embarrassing for you
Who’s us? You can say Somali men**
dont mean to start another argument but genuinely when I say somalis I do not count you apostates at all. Like you and the others are not at all involved when I say "we" or "us" or "somalis".

again, lets not turn this into another back and forth though
dont mean to start another argument but genuinely when I say somalis I do not count you apostates at all. Like you and the others are not at all involved when I say "we" or "us" or "somalis".

again, lets not turn this into another back and forth though
Low iq
dont mean to start another argument but genuinely when I say somalis I do not count you apostates at all. Like you and the others are not at all involved when I say "we" or "us" or "somalis".

again, lets not turn this into another back and forth though
For f*ck's sake, don't derail my thread by making it into a religious debate, you already had one less than 24 hours ago, far out, mate...

Even mentioning it will inadvertently cause tension and for a debate to kick off even if you don't mean to.


What? Ever heard of the mali empire or the songhai empire. And no somalis are the most "sub saharan" out of the horn. You are still 55-60 SSA sxb, stop with this self hatred. Somalis are somalis, it's literally been tens of thousands of years since said "mixture" civilizations didn't even exist back then. We were hunter gatherers, you clearly have a lack of knowledge on west africa and their rich cilvilizations and culture, you use european ideas of how "barbarian" africa is.

Even the term "sub saharan" is a leftoever, they believed "North africa" was superior and could make civilizations and tried to erase and attribute any civilizations further south to the influence of arabs egyptians etc.

West Africa keep in mind during this period, although it did have influence through it's religion and culture was still very isolated from the rest of the world

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The only empire or sultan I care about west Africa is Fulani and tuereg people the rest don’t care.

