Notorious Somali Warlord General Morgan cruising through the streets of Las Anod unbothered.

Somalia will never gain peace and prosperity until warlords are held accountable for their heinous crimes. This culture of impunity based on clan affiliation needs to end. The people who carry the primary responsibility for the agony and suffering of the Somali community need to be held accountable. How can a country thrive and flourish when there is no accountability or justice for human rights violations? Shame on our people.



We interview warlords. We give warlords positions of power by making them politicians and leaders. We even find people willing to defend and idolize them, as seen in that tweet. This is a huge issue throughout all of Somali society and goes back to lack of accountability. No one is held accountable for their actions, not by law or their peers.

I take a little solace knowing that Allah will judge all the warlords justly. I simply think we'll have to wait till they're dead to properly move forward as people.
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dude should be hanging from a pole somewhere but here he is, we can never find peace fully unless each clan is wiling to bring its warlord to justice.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
General mohamed siad hirsi morgan Landhere laaandhere dhaleey πŸ™πŸ½ cimri dhere, cafimad iyo cibadasan ayan u rajeenaya generalka 🫑🫑🫑🫑
You don't see muuse bihi? He killed 750 innocent civilians within one day in boorame back in 90's plus 20 unarmed people in lascanod subsequently orchestrated the death of 2000 young men in SSC. If anyone has to be held accountable, muse would come the top of the list.
One man’s warlord is another man’s hero.

until other warlords are put on trial for their crimes I don’t see Morgan being any different
One man’s warlord is another man’s hero.

until other warlords are put on trial for their crimes I don’t see Morgan being any different
Most of them are dead specual murisade warlods are gone. Most famous of them was qanyare the rest are dead.


All leaders from Jubbaland to Mogadishu to Puntland and Somaliland,DDS, All of their hands carry the blood of innocent people they killed, and they are loved by their clan members. This is one of the reasons why Somalia has never progressed and will remain a failed state and a poor people
But Alxmdullah there is a reckoning in the afterlife


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
All leaders from Jubbaland to Mogadishu to Puntland and Somaliland,DDS, All of their hands carry the blood of innocent people they killed, and they are loved by their clan members. This is one of the reasons why Somalia has never progressed and will remain a failed state and a poor people
But Alxmdullah there is a reckoning in the afterlife
U elected a known criminal warlord us ur president duuso bixi


β™šSargon of Adalβ™š
A strong centralized government should be able to bring justice to those who have been wrong, no matter how corrupt a state is, we're lacking that atm, eventually when we build strong federal institutions that can get the best minds in the country, will be able to bring cowards like this to justice.
SNM hypocrites protect their warlords that engineered the ethnic cleansing of Majerteen.
This is when they were in love with Siad Barre. These warlords are Ina Kaahin, Dhagawayne, Tanzania etc. These are Isaaq heroes by the way, but they cry about Morgan day in, day out.

Luckily for all Somalis, Majeerteen suffer from historic amnesia.

History lesson:

Farmaajo muxuu Raali galin uga bixin waayay Xasuuqii Gobaladda Puntland uu u gaystay Adeerkiis, Maxamed Siyaad Barre.

Ahmed Saleebaan Dafle declared in 1979 that Mjs were not Muslim and that our lives, assets and women were 'halal' to everyone. This kick-started the ethnic cleansing of Majerteen. Marehan and Isaaq were spearheading these atrocities

15/2/1979 waa Maalintii uu biloowday Xasuuqii Gobolada Mudug iyo Goboolka Nugaal, waana 41 sano Guuradii ka soo wareegatay Xasuuqaasi Siyaad Barre uu u gaystay Reer Puntland.
Axmed Saleebaan Dafle ayaa Gaalkacyo ku khudbeeyey oo ku dhaqaaqay in Reerka Majeerteen Ridoobeen oo ay Diintii ka bexeen Dhiigooda iyo Maalkooda iyo Dumar koodaba Xalaal yahay.
Khudbadaa kadib waxaa Mudug ka bilowday Gumaad aan loo abeyeelin oo ay sameeyeen ciidankii Maxamed siyaad Barre, Barkadaha bay Sumeeyeen Qaarna aaseen sidoo kale Gurayah ayay ka gubeen Caruurta iyo Haweenka.

The men who lead this project were all Isaaq:

Maxamed Kaahin
Xasan Tanzania
Maxamed Nuux

Waxaa hooggaaminayay Xasuuqaas ina Maxamed kaahin oo Habar-jeclo ah iyo Dhagawayne oo hadda ku nool Hargaysa oo Habar-awal ah, Xasan Tanzania, Axmed Mire iyo Maxamed Nuux oo dhamaantood Beesha Isaaq ah.
Haddaba Tuulooynikii iyo Magalooyonkii la gubey qaar kamid ah,hoos ka Daalaco Sawiradooda.

Nugaal atrocities:

The Marehan + Isaaq red berets slaughtered 450 + people and burnt many villages, and wells.

Magaalooyinkii iyo Tuulooyinkii ay Gubeen Saraakiisha Mareexaan iyo Isaaq ee Xooggii Dalka ay mas'uulka ka ahaayeen waxaa kamid ah: Kalabayr, Jalam, Eyl, Rabbaalle, Magacley, Mayagaag, Sugulle, Ballidacar, Qamboobley, Waxaana la Gubey 250 Guri iyo 105 Barkadood, waxaana lagu diley 450 isugu jirey Dumar iyo Caruur iyo Dad waayeelo ah.

Mudug atrocities

They murdered 800+ people and burnt countless villages and water wells, they also poisoned the wells by the way.

Magaalooyinki iyo Tuulooyinki ay Gubeen Saraakiisha Mareexaan iyo Isaaq ee Xooggii Dalka ay Masuulka ka ahayeen waxaa kamid ah: Ballibusle, Seemade, Qalaanqal, Gosol, Xarfo, Qorile-Dheere, Barde Gobol, Gacnafale, Bacaadweyn, Roox, Labagardaye, Sagaaro-doox, Dogob, Dudun, Galxamur, Laanmadow, Daarusalaam, Riigomane, Candho-dhexe, Bursaalax, Taaloole, Bayra, Nugaalgaban, waxaa lagu gubey 1,500 oo Guri, waxaa la Xabalay 350 Barkadood iyo 15 Ceel Biyood, waxaa la diley 800 oo qof oo isugu jirey Caruur Dumar iyo Dad wayeel ah.

Dhamaan Dadkaas waxaa si toos ah u Xaasuuqay Sarakiil ka soo jeedey Beesha isaaq iyo Beesha Mareexaan oo markaas huwana magac Dawladeed ilaa hadana wax la iskama weydiin dhibtii Maxamed Siyaad Barre u geystay Reer Puntland.
Warbixinta Xasuuqaas waxaa File Gareeysay Amnesty International waxaana laga heli karaa Xaruntooda GENEVA, dadkaas oo lagu qiyaasay 11 Kun oo qof oo rayid ah waxna aan galabsan..
FG: Anagu hadan nahay reer Puntland dhibka nalo gaystay wan iska ilownay kamana aynaan tagin Somalinimadi iyo wadajirki umada Soomaaliyeed, Lakiin isla xisaabtan iyo lafo soo gurasho haday bilaabmato waan so fagayna wixii naloo gaystay.
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SNM hypocrites protect their warlords that poisoned the wells of Mudug and engineered the ethnic cleansing of Majerteen. This is when they were in love with Siad Barre. Ina Kaahin, Dhagawayne, Tanzania etc. These are their heroes by the way, but they cry about Morgan day in, day out.

Luckily for all Somalis, Majeerteen suffer from historic amnesia.

History lesson:

Ahmed Saleebaan Dafle declared in 1979 that Mjs were not Muslim and that our lives, assets and women were 'halal' to everyone. This kick-started the ethnic cleansing of Majerteen. Marehan and Isaaq were spearheading these atrocities

The men who lead this project were all Isaaq:

Maxamed Kaahin
Xasan Tanzania
Maxamed Nuux

Nugaal atrocities:

The Marehan + Isaaq red berets slaughtered 450 + people and burnt many villages, and wells.

Mudug atrocities

They murdered 800+ people and burnt countless villages and water wells, they also poisoned the wells by the way.
lets be honest here all clans protect warlords even somali bantu

