NSFW: Somali girls ATTACKED in Leicester

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Old Head 👴🏿
I read that somewhere. I could be wrong. Im high

Yh it definitely was a Paki, also all the Faarax gangs (roadman) are waiting for him to come out so they can give him a second beating.

He got pissed off after a Somali chick cursed him back because he was beating up her Afghani friend and called her a , so he fucked up by laying his hands on a Somali girl. He got his ass knocked out, then he went ballistic the next day and started threatening the Somali students by coming to their school while carrying a knife and a pistol. Well you know what happened after that...


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
OMG that's horrifying. That stupid paki needs to be dealt with.

How come Pakis and Arabs are nonexistence in Minnesota? :cosbyhmm:
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