Not your typical Farah
So, this video is trending on YouTube and right-wingers are going nuts:
But, the point they don't understand is that in these states; Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin, Arizona, North Dakota and Ohio - you need an ID to vote. Most of these are red states anyway - so they're not a threat.
But, you can get a driver license if you're an illegal in these states; California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico. Utah, Vermont and Washington(state).
But, 8/12 of these states are Democrat and Hillary has it, expect for Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah which are toss up states. 3/4.
But, if illegals vote in those toss up states and Hilary become's president because of that - do you think a lot of White conservative right wingers will join White Nationalist parties/groups like they did with the Tea Party after Obama got elected?
I'm not saying Hilary can't win without illegals, but voter turnout among Black-Americans is low and is it's expected that many youngsters won't vote and the national polls are close, if not tie in some.
Edit: They can't vote for Federal offices such as President, but can vote in some local counties in mostly blue Liberal States.
But, the point they don't understand is that in these states; Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin, Arizona, North Dakota and Ohio - you need an ID to vote. Most of these are red states anyway - so they're not a threat.
But, you can get a driver license if you're an illegal in these states; California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico. Utah, Vermont and Washington(state).
But, 8/12 of these states are Democrat and Hillary has it, expect for Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah which are toss up states. 3/4.
But, if illegals vote in those toss up states and Hilary become's president because of that - do you think a lot of White conservative right wingers will join White Nationalist parties/groups like they did with the Tea Party after Obama got elected?
I'm not saying Hilary can't win without illegals, but voter turnout among Black-Americans is low and is it's expected that many youngsters won't vote and the national polls are close, if not tie in some.
Edit: They can't vote for Federal offices such as President, but can vote in some local counties in mostly blue Liberal States.
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