Have you ever wondered whether the news that you get from Twitter could be fake?
He did this to piss off Trump.
Somali intake will be zero by end of January until 2025
Everything he has done for the past 8 years has pissed off the republicans what makes you think this is any different?
The ones waiting on refugee camps will most likely not be allowed in.
I think the problem is Somalis have done a horrible job of integrating. They also suffer from cognitive dissonance by constantly insulting gaalada while trying to get sharci in gaalo countries. If Somalis were better integrated (working, education, economic advancement and self sufficiency) there wouldn't be such problems.Sweden will take them.
Honestly we should all be against anymore coming in because we can't guarantee the ones already here will not do another terror attack. We need to make sure our image is not worsened. Those in favor of more coming in are possibly those with wicked intentions and plans
He did this to piss off Trump.
Somali intake will be zero by end of January until 2025
I think the problem is Somalis have done a horrible job of integrating. They also suffer from cognitive dissonance by constantly insulting gaalada while trying to get sharci in gaalo countries. If Somalis were better integrated (working, education, economic advancement and self sufficiency) there wouldn't be such problems.
Because Somalis like that are illiterate, uneducated, and are very superstitious people who don't like to take responsibility. Here's an example, after the boys in Minnesota were convicted of terrorism one mother did the rounds on Somali media and said the American government was out to get her and that Somalis should be careful of the laws because there's no justice. Never mind the fact that her sons were caught red handed with mounting evidence. Xooga ma saaran tacliinta which is a big problem. If she knew what her kids were up to she wouldn't going around saying nonsense like that. When they see their kids acting out they take them to the masjid or malcaamad which is also their solution when they have a mental illness. There are plenty Somali psychologists, therapists, counselors, psychiatrists but they'll never reach out to them for help because they honestly believe that something is possessing them or that the Somali professional trying to tell them will spread their business everywhere.Also mental illness, they need to address it. It affects every community but we hide it and discourage others from addressing it. I heard of a Somali guy in the community who had depression a while ago and he wanted to go to the doctor and his parents refused him to seek medical attention. Very sad