Off my chest

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
A few people in here knows about this so a little bit of a year ago I was seeing this girl that I really liked. She was pretty,nerdy and had the cutest laugh.

So after some time getting to know each other we were about to get engaged but she fell ill and spent some time at the hospital.

We found out later that shes got pancreatic cancer it was a really bad one.

This was by far One of the toughest things I been through Unfortunately she didnt make it she passed away 3 months after the diagnos AUN

It was the first time ever I experienced losing someone close to me it was very hard during that time my body was feeling so numb and depressed and 2 weeks later My Grandfather passed away AUN everything felt so shitty and meaningless it was one tough period but I got through it.

Now its been a year since she passed I feel good Ive tried moving on talking with other girls but it never worked out these memories always come back


. . .
AUN. Don't forget about her and treasure those last moments u had with her. But don't also isolate urself and push all the other girls away.


Is a sign you should not be cheating on your kitchen:deadrose:
Now I got the joke out of the way don't get to attached to people:francis:


Suicidal men adore me.

Mercury om du behöver någon att prata med kan du alltid kontakta mig!! Hoppas allt är bra med dig. InshAllah får hon det bättre!! :heart::heart:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
AUN. Don't forget about her and treasure those last moments u had with her. But don't also isolate urself and push all the other girls away.

Yeah.Im happy I got to spend her last minutes with her but this weird feeling comes and goes i guess it is part of grieving


Jet life till my next life
I had somewhat similar story but instead of staying I walked away and she eventually got better, so that was that!


Fucking dameer!!!!!! of all things you got the nerve to make fun of a dead person go fuxk yourself
If you didn't get emotional my last comment would've helped you alot in life:damedamn:
Stop getting to attached ones you relies death is part of life these things become easier:ummhmm:
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