Ogaden appreciation thread

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the ogaden are the most hate filled somalis but yet they are my favourite somali qabil. i have an obsession with the ogaden and i spent 2 monthes of my childhood on a holiday to hargeisa with my aging/dying ogaden great grand mother. she was the only non isaaq in the family tree but damn it did we all love that women, she would diss the isaaq clan daily and the jokes never ended. i cant quite figure out how my great grand father married her but i suspect it was through a war and he captured her as a prisoner of war after raiding an ogaden settlement lol. anyway she gave me a great cultural education about somalis in general. as much as i hate the fact that i am 25% ogaden and not 100% isaaq i still gotta live with the fact that i share blood with the enemy.

despite the clan tensions between isaaqs and ogadens they the ogadens are secretly my favourite somali qabil, i would have absolutely no problem with further polluting my family tree by marrying an ogaden woman, but i would then make sure i have 4 wives so the other 3 can all be isaaq lol.

the ogaden is my favourite somali clan because of their culture and secretly i want isaaqs in hargeisa to immediately begin stealing the Dhaanto and mastering it to the point it becomes apart of isaaq culture like the Jaandheer is isaaq culture or singing is isaaq culture.

watch out ogadens because we isaaqs are stealing your famous dhaanto as we speak. we have our two young talented isaaq singers hodan and asma learning from your best ogaden dhaanto artists ali dhaanto and bashir dirgax.



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Actually Isaaq is one of the most divisive Somali clans. Probably the most. You guys heef with everyone. But I still love you guys. We marry your women in abundance.

I just wish you guys would stop licking Habashi boots.
thats what makes our blood boil. you marry our women then disrespect us, the fucking nerve on you guys

learn from the hawiye guys, they crave isaaq women and never say a single bad word about our qabil hence we can not ban them but you guys are on your last straw
bro if you havent watched this jazrawi tv series on mbc you gotta start watching it, its called selfie and its a comedy series that mocks salafis, it was created to discredit da'ish, some of the episodes roast da'ish and others just mock salafis, ive seen about 6 episodes so far. some jazrawi scholars sent out fatwa's against the main character of the show.

check out the trailer



bro if you havent watched this jazrawi tv series on mbc you gotta start watching it, its called selfie and its a comedy series that mocks salafis, it was created to discredit da'ish, some of the episodes roast da'ish and others just mock salafis, ive seen about 6 episodes so far. some jazrawi scholars sent out fatwa's against the main character of the show.

check out the trailer

Wallah I'm against the very existence of that show, let alone watching it. All my elders disapprove of it and it's not a matter of being a Salafi or not. Alhamdulilah they stopped broadcasting it.
Wallah I'm against the very existence of that show, let alone watching it. All my elders disapprove of it and it's not a matter of being a Salafi or not. Alhamdulilah they stopped broadcasting it.


check out my favourite scene of the whole series so far and how the jazrawi scholar sends out a crazy fatwa disssing him and his wife in real life, damn the jazrawi schola caught feelings after watching this episode, my friend translated it for me and i laughed hahaha he called a comedy actor a "zindiq" "najas" "kafir" "dayuth" :ftw9nwa:



'Whoever watches this show perhaps there's a disease in your heart and we fear that you will become amongst the hypocrites'. Wallah he's right about calling that guy a dayooth though. He also said he fell in to Kufr that deserves the hadd (execution). Perhaps it's because he was mocking the deen of Allah. Wallah in my opinion he clearly opened many doors to evil.
no bro the scholar is a fucking psycho. can you now see why salafis should be mocked at every chance? this is why religion should not be in politics because theres idiots that would kill talented comedians like this guy



no bro the scholar is a fucking psycho. can you now see why salafis should be mocked at every chance? this is why religion should not be in politics because theres idiots that would kill talented comedians like this guy

Alhamdulilah those girls are not Arabs. How could you call the scholar as psycho? Wallah you're the psycho if you think he is a psycho.
the girls are all jazrawi mate nice try disowning them, even the ones that died their hair blond are jazrawi. this scene of this saudi tv show was filmed in the uae so the girls have freedom since they arent in wahabi/salafi land (saudi arabia)

whats the difference between da'ish and that scholar if they are bothing killing for no reason :draketf:


the girls are all jazrawi mate nice try disowning them, even the ones that died their hair blond are jazrawi. this scene of this saudi tv show was filmed in the uae so the girls have freedom since they arent in wahabi/salafi land (saudi arabia)

whats the difference between da'ish and that scholar if they are bothing killing for no reason :draketf:
Dopey girls man wth they doing on that show? Degrading themselves like that it's shameful mate.
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