Oh that I regret

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For not being an upright Muslim like I should be. Life's short but it's like we are living on autopilot, we are not spending our time in a way that we can be proud of when we meet Allah (swt) tomorrow. You still breathing? Repent to Allah (Swt) while you can. Sometimes I become heedful when I've been heedless and I thank Allah (set) that I'm still breathing. Remember death because it never forgets you. Remember the day when you will gaze at your family for the last time.

رب اغفرلي و لوالدي و لكل مسلمين و المسلمات من أحياء منهم والأموات


I don't have pride bro and it's not me the one that objects. I was only trolling y'all, forgive me.
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