Samaalic Era
Good men exist but you have to catch them early in the game. Most men want to share the prime years of his life with a woman who shared hers with him. It builds a strong bond. Most men can tell a woman who was carefree throughout her life and suddenly wants marriageThat’s disgusting only weird Cadaans do that shit. Do I seem like a boring weird cadaan?
I doubt it’s a lie 99.99% of the time. A lot of people do grow old with their spouse. For most whonintended to grow old with their wife but things didn’t work out in the relationship which is only natural. Divorce is better option than letting you man have a second wife. I will not be cucked by a xalimo back home.
I hope my noble husband will never be cursed into meeting meeting both @Samaalic Era and you.
Why do you deny a good man exist? Are you guys well accustomed how men, just like you, are deceitful trash??
I am thankful for the information I shall happily become a spinster this year when I turn 21
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