Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations

Speak for yourself warya, if you want to bend over backwards for a Mexican that bragged about kuffar Cubans attacking Somali Muslims then that’s on you. But the the dhaga hadal calling us liberals and kuffars because we’re checking an ajnabi disrespecting us in our OWN space for years at that is what I would expect from spineless garaac.

These coons couldn't even pretend to be angry for longer than a second. Immediate forgiveness and coddling, as if HE is the aggrieved party. Vomit inducing. :francis:
He apologised in that same thread for what he said, and did so again in this thread with a voice recording. If he had any enmity for Somalis, it would have been known and I least of all, would have dragged him like I have done before with others. He has been here for some 6 years and has always made a point to keep out of Somali affairs, and for this reason pretty much gets along with everyone.

Two people disscussing their difference of ideologies (Omar del Sur and roses4me) is hardly him coming after "Somali women". If you are going to come for Omar, I suggest you also address this woman who constantly denigrates Somali men with her constant talk of "Down low" Somali men and her blatant hatred for them.

^ once again, a balanced reasonable response.
Omar, I have no real issues with you. In the past you and I have debated with each other in a very civil manner despite our views being polar opposites.

My real concern is your lack of sincerity with what has transpired.

We disagreed on femicide and I basically explained to you that femicide doesn’t mean female homicide. I cleared up to what exactly it means. If femicide was measured by all the women that are murdered, you would be right, but it isn’t.

When I tried to explain that in a civil and respectful manner which I usually am towards you since we’ve debated many a times and it rarely gets disrespectful, you became mad and started throwing accusations.

Then you started to talk about Ogaden. Question is, what do I have to do with Ogaden? It was indeed the most baffling comment you’ve ever made.

Instead of saying, hey, I vehemently disagree with your opinion but I'm sorry for being disrespectful towards Somalis, you then justified yourself by saying you were only saying this towards the ‘feminists’.

This is a dishonest cope out because femicide rates isn’t even just a feminist point, it’s simply facts and figures, and really you were angry because you thought I was coming for Mexicans despite making it clear America has no right to point the finger at your country since they too have a femicide issue.

I feel like though out the exchange I’ve been honest.

I don’t like twisting, lying or manipulation. I can be much, I know I can be argumentative and I can drag people but I’m actually honest and whatever I say I say with my chest.
The Ogaden war is a pivotal moment in unified Somali history. That was an all hands on deck effort. For him to boast about our lost in the war due to his “cousins” is a collective insult on all Somali. At the end of the day the guys a Mexican in a Somali forum. You don’t do stuff like that if you actually respect a people. In that small post he exposed what he really thinks.
What a freak. How do you expect to get away with that on a Somali forum. Ajnabis always get too comfortable in Somali spaces.
What a freak. How do you expect to get away with that on a Somali forum. Ajnabis always get too comfortable in Somali spaces.

He will get away with it, because of coons who make tafkeer on people, like Tekniiko, Galool, and the other passive aggressive weirdos on here. And then you have the ones who are coddling and forgiving him, as if he's a child who spilled some water.
Yeah so the usual feminists are raging in this thread it seems. And most other users including those usually found in the Islam section or giving balanced responses. While the usual feminists who are used to spending their time fanning flames of hatred on this forum on nearly every topic are the ones relentlessly going at him after his apology.

Is anyone wondering why? Your hatred for him likely has nothing to do with this topic and is from a deeper place.

There are even accusation of denying a clear hadith on the known ruling by all madhab that the Angels curse a wife who denies her husbands bed without pressing reason. I cant be bother to read the entire thread but it would not surprise me in the least.

Seems most reasonable people left a reasonable response. No reason to give anymore energy to it.
Omar, I have no real issues with you. In the past you and I have debated with each other in a very civil manner despite our views being polar opposites.

My real concern is your lack of sincerity with what has transpired.

We disagreed on femicide and I basically explained to you that femicide doesn’t mean female homicide. I cleared up to what exactly it means. If femicide was measured by all the women that are murdered, you would be right, but it isn’t.

When I tried to explain that in a civil and respectful manner which I usually am towards you since we’ve debated many a times and it rarely gets disrespectful, you became mad and started throwing accusations.

Then you started to talk about Ogaden. Question is, what do I have to do with Ogaden? It was indeed the most baffling comment you’ve ever made.

Instead of saying, hey, I vehemently disagree with your opinion but I'm sorry for being disrespectful towards Somalis, you then justified yourself by saying you were only saying this towards the ‘feminists’.

This is a dishonest cope out because femicide rates isn’t even just a feminist point, it’s simply facts and figures, and really you were angry because you thought I was coming for Mexicans despite making it clear America has no right to point the finger at your country since they too have a femicide issue.

I feel like though out the exchange I’ve been honest.

I don’t like twisting, lying or manipulation. I can be much, I know I can be argumentative and I can drag people but I’m actually honest and whatever I say I say with my chest.

^ I think there is a clear pattern emerging here.
You’re not a fair and reasonable person. This whole incident has nothing to do with Islam and about Omar feeling like I was dragging Mexico when I made it clear to him several times America are hypocrites since they too have a high femicide rate just via looking at the figures.

Then he started to talk about Ogaden even though I had no intentions of being disrespectful towards Mexico. The Ogaden comment came out of the blue and had nothing and I mean nothing to do with the what he were talking about

I think a huge marker of character is people’s inability to differentiate their personal dislike of someone and what has actually happened in a given situation.

You can dislike me as much as you like, but you can’t lie about me or lie about a situation because this will reflect on your integrity.
You’re not a fair and reasonable person. This whole incident has nothing to do with Islam and about Omar feeling like I was dragging Mexico when I made it clear to him several times America are hypocrites since they too have a high femicide rate just via looking at the figures.

Then he started to talk about Ogaden even though I had no intentions of being disrespectful towards Mexico.

I think a huge marker of character is people’s inability to differentiate their personal dislike of someone and what has actually happened in a given situation.

You can dislike me as much as you like, but you can’t lie about me or lie about a situation because this will reflect on your integrity.

I'm sure you see how this person, and his ilk, are purposefully dodging the men that respond to them. Even on the internet, they only know how to bark at women.

I do love that they are exposing themselves though, one by one.

Who's next?
Stop the fighting for the sake of Allah. He was wrong about the Ogaden comment, but he has apologized. I think it would be better for both parties to ignore each other

Additionally, discussing femicide in any part of the world doesn’t necessarily imply any hidden agenda.

MashaAllah, another one, known for their posts based on and for the sake of Islam. Not pure hatred or feminism, of course.
I'm sure you see how this man and the other misogynists in the thread, purposefully dodge the men that respond to them. Even on the internet, they only know how to bark at women.
Anyways, he said it himself. He didn’t actually read the thread so he isn’t actually interested in the truth.

It’s a running theme for people who display faux morality. I’ve said from the get go, that man has no sense of integrity.

A person who is honest speaks the truth or at least looks at a situation before weighing in and he didn’t do that.

What did he do? He jumps into an issue he knows nothing about and then starts to make takfir.

I really will never forgive such behaviors.
Mexican cartel owned regions are pretty lawless. The women in those regions aren't safe at all and get raped and murdered all the time.

Police can't do shit about it since cartels would just kill their families.

Arguing against the femicide issue in Mexico is dumb since cartel members will always be xaasid towards Mexican women.
They literally control parts of Mexico. The women in those regions are vulnerable to rape, kidnapping, and murder.

In fact it's gotten so bad in some parts of Mexico that serial killers have traveled across the border just to kill with ease. Police never investigate any further since they assume all these horrific murders are cartel related.

Well what do you know, an open kaffir on here raging about femicide? Lool.
Anyways, he said it himself. He didn’t actually read the thread so he isn’t actually interested in the truth.

It’s a running theme for people who display faux morality. I’ve said from the get go, that man has no sense of integrity.

A person who is honest speaks the truth or at least looks at a situation before weighing in and he didn’t do that.

What did he do? He jumps into an issue he knows nothing about and then starts to make takfir.

I really will never forgive such behaviors.

Be flattered sis, do you know how much damage you've done to someone, for them to carry around cuqdad, from thread to thread, and then, even go as far as to Tafkeer you.

He's a mentally defeated VICTIM. We own real-estate in his little brain.

If YOU as a woman refuse intercourse with your husband for no valid Islamic reason, then you will be cursed by the Angels until your husband is pleased with you again. Do you have an issue with this statement?

There is no dispute about this ruling in Sunni Islam.

MashaAllah, another one, known for their posts based on and for the sake of Islam. Not pure hatred or feminism, of course.
You’re clearly trying to incite and cause even more hatred.

I think a decent person will try and find out what really happened and if you truly did fear Allah you wouldn’t have actually replied to this thread unless you knew the facts.

It’s okay for you to advise us to forgive, but what are you doing now? Apart from coming here to bash because you’re angry due to prior exchanges I’ve had with you?

This isn’t about installing goodness, it’s about your extreme vendetta against me which is why you’re being passive aggressive and going on us ‘feminists’ whilst lowkey making Takfir.

This is indeed hypocrisy and it’s glaring.
Is @JamalFarah an open Kafir who explained to Khaemwaset what femicide actually means? Jamal is in a fact a religious brother.

If this is your level of intellect and critical thinking I don’t know Wallahi.

Intellect? What you're seeing here, are tears of unfathomable sadness, cuqdad carried over from god knows when. Sii fiican ha uu ooyo.



