Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations


Prima Hablood
Young lady, you’re talking to a man whose sole reason for having issues with me is because I believe that Afghan women should be able to go school.

He is a follower of DH so he believes you working or getting a university education could lead you to ‘only fans’.

When someone sees women in that lens, they don’t even believe in you Islamic rights to an education.

Not once have I ever said anything unIslamic btw since I’m very cautious of the deen.

Our sole dispute is women’s education.
Afghan women and Girls should be allowed to go school the Taliban have a fragile ego.


Why? Do you also advocate the reformation of christianity and hinduism? They are kufr ideologies, no need to reform them. Islam is perfect, with it fully implemented everyones rights would be met in the best way possible. No need to advocate for any gaalo religions/ideologies.
Your right 100%. I take back what I said as looking back now it seems a little silly


You’re a feminist deviant for saying such a thing to Galool. 😂😂
My friend did i not tell you to stop replying to me. If there was a block button u would be the first to go. Please leave me alone on this forum.
My friend did i not tell you to stop replying to me. If there was a block button u would be the first to go
Young lady? You’re delusional. I’m merely letting you know that budding up to men who don’t even want to see you get an education is a joke.

You even used ‘feminism’ and reformation words I wouldn’t even use as well and you think this man won’t see you as a deviant.

If you truly are a woman, wake up and smell the coffee.
Issues arise when someone isn’t holding themselves accountable. You can’t say hey, I mocked Cubans killing Somalis but I apologize to all Somalis but I’ll blame why I said it because of Somali feminists?

He is claiming Punt and I are the reason for why he said it. That’s not fair or taking accountability. People disagree all the time, people say things they shouldn’t all the time. But when you say something wrong, you should simply apologize for that comment and move on instead of justifying by saying you only meant it towards the feminists. Thats not honest.
I also didn’t like that he did that hence why I stopped following him on here after I read it. His Ogaden comment was really offensive to me too. We can’t force someone anonymous online to take self accountability. I know y’all have tried plenty of times on here but it doesn’t work much does it. Not excusing him but hopefully he grows from this.

Didn’t mean to make any subliminal messages in my comment. Was definitely trying to remember that he is a new Muslim and think about the best way to convey a message so it reaches him. I respect your views and the way you carry yourself on here@Angelina.


Young lady? You’re delusional. I’m merely letting you know that budding up to men who don’t even want to see you get an education is a joke.

You even used ‘feminism’ and reformation words I wouldn’t even use as well and you think this man won’t see you as a deviant.

If you truly are a woman, wake up and smell the coffee.
Well you dont need to let me know anything. Again, dont ever reply to me on any forum on any device again please and thank you🙏
Your right 100%. I take back what I said as looking back now it seems a little silly

No worries sister. It is obvious you had good intentions with what you wrote and it is made even clearer by how quick you were to correct it as Islam always come first.

Some on here are first and foremost feminists, that seems to be their religion some times with the zeal they speak on it, you wont find them talking about Islam unless it is in the pursuit of some feminist goal.

Youll learn their patterns here with time. They are deranged and to be ignored.
I also didn’t like that he did that hence why I stopped following him on here after I read it. His Ogaden comment was really offensive to me too. We can’t force someone anonymous online to take self accountability. I know y’all have tried plenty of times on here but it doesn’t work much does it. Not excusing him but hopefully he grows from this.
On a genuine level I hardly have issues with Omar and was offended because despite our very opposing views, he tended to not get emotional and was able to reply back in a civil manner. I’ve said things in the past he thought was ‘deeply feminist’ and he has never reacted this way. People need to be honest. Instead of using the feminist shtick so that he can get half of this forum to attack us and so that he could slime his way out of it, he should be honest and say it was because he felt offended as a Mexican. Believe me if I spoke about the femicide rates in India or America not only would be not argue, he might agree.

I just don’t like conniving behavior.
Well you dont need to let me know anything. Again, dont ever reply to me on any forum on any device again please and thank you🙏
Naya, you’re so obsessed you made a whole thread about me and even tried to apologize when you realized you weren’t getting any attention from me.

I’ll message you if I want.


No worries sister. It is obvious you had good intentions with what you wrote and it is made even clearer by how quick you were to correct it as Islam always come first.

Some on here are first and foremost feminists, that seems to be their religion some times with the zeal they speak on it, you wont find them talking about Islam unless it is in the pursuit of some feminist goal.

Youll learn their patterns here with time. They are deranged and to be ignored.
100% deen>feminism all the time


Prima Hablood
@Galool answer my question pls
Afghan women and Girls should be allowed to go school the Taliban have a fragile ego.
Stop now, our resident female hater will call you a feminist for that.

He sees my posts about believing women should be educated is a feminist goal and that using Islam to say women have that right is feminist.

He probably won’t reply to you.

FYI: he is also a liar. He tried to imply I was okay with the hijab ban since I’ve ’never Posted about it’ when I showed him receipts and proof, he was quiet ever since. That’s a level of shamelessness i can’t even believe.

Someone needs to remind our resident self righteous misogynist, lying is indeed haram.


Naya, you’re so obsessed you made a whole thread about me and even tried to apologize when you realized you weren’t getting any attention from me.

I’ll message you if I want.
War asc, I apologised because i realised what i was doing was haram. Not because i wanted your attention. Now YOUUUUU want my attention cuz u wanna keep replying to me. Listen up u little c*nt, if u acc reply to me i will NOTT respond. From now. Keep provoking me I will not respond. Every thread I make, every post, every note, it would be like talking to a wall. also your ignored so macsalam !



Short summary

DAY 1.
1. Wonyrluv made a thread about femicide in Mexico
2. A few ladies made some normal comments.
3. The Mexican man started denying it exists and sent insults and threats to Somalia (bragging about how Cuba attacked us in 1978) among other things.


4. He recorded a 7 minute podcast that not even his groupies listened to. And tried to act like I target him.
5. In this topic, he doubled down on his hatred of "Somali female feminists".
6. Somalis with pride told him off.
7. TWERK team showed up and showed out, lead by Captain TekNIIKo and some usernames I have not seem before. 😂😂😂
sis, TWERK team had be cackling :russ:

