Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations

War asc, I apologised because i realised what i was doing was haram. Not because i wanted your attention. Now YOUUUUU want my attention cuz u wanna keep replying to me. Listen up u little c*nt, if u acc reply to me i will NOTT respond. From now. Keep provoking me I will not respond. Every thread I make, every post, every note, it would be like talking to a wall. also your ignored so macsalam !
I’ll reply if I want.

Remember it was YOU that lied about the whole r-word and diya point, created a whole thread about me, started going on about me being 50, like being 50 with 5 boys is some sort of insult and I’m like half of that age lol.
Then I felt bad for you when you was dragged by a poster and told him to stop and then you apologized and I ignored your ass because of how terrible of a human you are.

There is a running theme here. Liars love to act like victims.

You can ignore if want but let the truth be out there as a reminder of your terrible behavior.
Another poster who is also a liar. All of this feminist allegations started when I dragged him for this pitiful post he did. I hope everyone sees it. He thinks women should only get religious education and secular education for women is wrong.


He thinks that if women get an education they’ll go on to be on only fans.

This is deviant slander especially when everywhere in the world Muslim women manage to go to university and not fall into that.

Anyone who opposes his sick corn fried mind he will takfir. Imagine being so crazy that you will imply education leads to only fans.

Any woman that aligns herself to this is a low IQ.
Im not gonna say I dont agree with feminism since I do benefit from it to an extent, i think a form based ENTIRELY on islam is needed today. [in this case its not feminism but instead rights fulfilled via islamic criteria]. 2024 new age feminism is just the blind leading the blind with people thinking they represent EVERYONE. You say one thing that stands out and all of a sudden your bombarded with insults. In this case I was called a man😂
What @Omar del Sur did was wrong. Quite frankly, I think he is a colossal fool, but the man admitted his wrongs and apologised, even agreed to leave as a "good gesture" but she did not even honour his request to not slander him in his absence. As others have said, for her this has nothing to do with Somalia, @Omar del Sur is just one more past resentment of hers.

It's obvious to everyone how insane she is. Its a understatement to say that all civility and decorum is lost to this woman, everyone avoids her for this reason. Even when I joined, I made a point to keep well away from her. A self appointed "forum owner" who wants to enforce her rule through bullying, lying, shaming tactics and outright slander. Just as she has demonstrated in countless other threads, even this very thread.

This thread is the first time I ever referred to her, mind you, I did not even reply to her, and sure enough she came back at me unhinged. Insinuating that I am a khaniis and calling me a slave (reer baraawe were supposedly slaves), I am a guy, its fine I let it go and went about my day.

Today, she is attacking a sister who does not even know her, for what? @Kalsoon actually recognised and agreed on how @Omar del Sur should have never involved himself with Somalia's history, but that was not enough for her, so she proceeds to attack this innocent sister in her unhinged, usual ways.

She did the same to a teenage girl earlier in this very thread. She lied about not knowing her, she does. In another thread, she was busy spreading her usual tribal hate mongering, and this girl actually spoke sense to her, any decent person would have have seen the good in that but she is the kind to instead hold resentment.

How extremely tribal of you to say HG is the common ‘denominator’. Thats like a white person pointing at a muslim and saying ‘common denominator’ all because theres trrorist groups that some people indulge in. Within hawiye no one points the finger at hg. Also, these cases are extremely isolated and sensationalised. ESPECIALLY when it comes to hg.
Habr gidr are miskeen bro leave them alone🙏

She claims to be a feminist, and a defender of Somali women in one breath, and in the same breath, will not hesitate to drag Somali women/girls who are mere bystanders through the mud, for the most petty of reasons, never mind how young they are. Wallaahi, what a shame.

By the way I say "tribal hate mongering", because she will often just make up lies about one community of Somalis in order to justify or call for the hatred of another. For example, she says reer Baraawe are to this day resentful and angry for the tragedy they underwent. Which are total lies, I am of reer Baraawe people, going back for generations. I have never ever come across any of them calaacal-ing about that past, let alone any talk of revenge, or them looking for a "lick back" as she says. She does not care for them, yesterday they were potential ammo against whatever qabil she hates, today they are slaves.

@Galool was right when he said in another thread:
Why are you always promoting hatred between people? Clan hatred, hatred against other Muslims, hatred between men and women. It is unending. Subhanallah.
Indeed wallaal, what a dissapointment.
وَقُلْ رَّبِّ اَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ هَمَزٰتِ الشَّيٰطِيْنِ. وَاَعُوْذُ بِكَ رَبِّ اَنْ يَّحْضُرُوْن
My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings (suggestions) of the Shayatin (devils). And I seek refuge with You, My Lord! lest they may attend (or come near) me.
-- Surah Al Muminoon - 23:97-98

Of course she will reply with more lies and slander, she lives for this but. I was done on page 3 but I just had to say something after seeing this woman attack Somali woman/girls with absolute impunity on here.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Honestly goes a long way, here is what happened in chronological order.

1. A female poster created a thread about Mexican/Latino femicide rates.

2. Omar disagreed and said it’s feminist propaganda pushed by Western imperialism.

3. Omar then proceeded to say that femicide isn’t real since more men die. However, femicide doesn’t = Female homicide. Femicide only looks at women that have died via sexual abuse, DV cases and honor killing ect. A woman that has died via a shoot out isn’t a victim of femicide.

4. Omar then said I was a feminist for explaining this to him. The thing is, dead women don’t lie. The stats are there for everyone to see. Mexico along with Jamaica and even the US have higher rates of femicide. Admitting this is the truth and no amount of accusations of ‘feminism’ or believing the white man will change this since even America the land of the imperial West has high rates of femicide. So what now? My views are a lot more sophisticated than the global South being bad and West being good. I’m a lot more intelligent than that.

5. Mexico and the rest of Latin America also have high rates of trafficking due to the Cartel. What’s a fact is that the cartel work obviously in the drug trade but also the flesh trade and they kidnap women to supplement this which results in higher rates of femicide. This is a fact. Are we going to deny reality? What do you want @Omar del Sur? (BTW, America currently has an even higher rate at the moment, hence when I illustrate these facts I’m being honest and do not see the ‘West’ as some sort of beacon. Femicide and trafficking of women is indeed an issue there.

6. Then Omar instead of facing up to these facts which also happen in a whole host of countries, started to talk about Cubans smoking the Ogadens.

7. The link between I stating facts about Latin America, feminism and Cubans smoking or hurting Somalis in the Ogaden is indeed a mystery.

8. Your point about Ogaden cannot be one only aimed at so called feminists since the Ogaden war is one fought by men who knew nothing about feminism and impacted all, women, children, feminist the non feminist, you name it. Hence I ask, where is the link?

This is the truth based on chronological order and what actually transpired.

I think Omar, you should put your hands up and sincerely apologize instead of hiding behind ‘feminists’ which is me you’re talking about simply because I dared to state a fact that’s backed by statistics issued by the Mexican government itself. You cannot drag Somalis or the Ogadens into a dispute about facts and your hurt feelings. This is unacceptable and childish.

This is truth and Allah is our witness.
Thanks for the summary im starting to get busy now and do not have the time to go through 50 pages of context.
I mean its crazy though since i thought omar hated cubans due to their involvement in latin america during the late 1900s. I think this was a major blunder by him who knows his real intentions if it was a mistake or a comeback I dont know.
Agreed. I am officially retired. I want to be retired. You want me gone. as salaam alaikum
Just apologize, you made a massive blunder and there was a good opportunity for the OP theres nothing u can really do. You even offended me but since u apologized Idrc anymore. But still, insensitive.
I reported his post that’s probably why it got taken down. Notice how the mods had to delete it while the Latino supremacist found nothing wrong with it and kept it up.
when will @TekNiKo retire we want him gone instead
He did then he came back like a week later
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Quit all this rahrah n step inside the cage, ALL OF YOU :ummhmm:
This would be lit
They came after me too dw😭😭😂😂. We in the sameee boat
Yup the Triple Feminist Online Mafia use to come after me and my friends viciously

Well, well, well. LOOKIE HERE! A great find by @Mcqueeny

Omar Da Fraud, has been antagonising Somalis for a longer time than previously thought.

He was arguing with an Ogaden user in 2020, trying to claim that reclaiming Somali land by invading Ethiopia and Kenya was not 'justified'.

This sure sheds new light into why he made that random Cuba comment. Looks like the comment wasn't so 'random' after all.

No, he's NOT some miskeen revert, with no ill-intent, this person is well-versed in Somali-Ethiopian-Cuban, history, and purposefully makes commentary such as this;

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Hold on, is Omar a fed? Ngl this would explain everything so far.
Who cares you don't own anything here.
This reads like some playground bully please get a job
lmao ong That user actually has issues regarding threats to other users. Including me ...
This is what you get for being a climate change denier bigoted propagandist OP.. :icon lol:

Do you believe in climate change? I mean I do know the earths climate is changing I do believe in that. But I dont believe in the hoax that its a major problem, In fact i think climate change is an extremely insignificant problem. I think if it was a major problem the 'elites' would put much more focus on it. Kinda like how they banned that one type of fridge after they realized it did real damage to the Ozone layer. I dont deny it, but I think its extremely insignificant. Now Im not saying we should pollute all we want and keep things dirty, no no no.
why do foreigners love coming to somali spaces? I've never once thought hmmm I wanna go to a random mexican forum
Something I noticed honestly, im somewhat indifferent too it. Its just when they start pushing thier ideas, neutral or bad that gets me. This is a somali forum, its in the name. Its a somali space, you need to be respectful of where u are at. Seriously....
Is anyone else noticing weird usernames that never post on here, getting offended on behalf of the foreigner? I have seen at least 4 or 5 random names.
or maybe youre seeing things
The issue of Ogadan is obviously a very sensitive matter for Somalis, so it's a bit gauche to taunt Somalis about it -- and on their forum no less

The push back is understandable

Another thing is a man shouldn’t argue with women even on the internet. I’m not sure if it’s an unspoken rule but it shows great weakness when men do that. If someone doesn’t see eye to eye with you and you try to have them understand you once or twice but it doesn’t work, move on. The whole conversation becomes unproductive after that.
Its the biggest waste of time, Anger & Ghost method does the trick. However, you might get ignored
This nigga has no place to discuss the ogaden war in that way 🤦‍♂️
I can dislike somali feminists but that's okay since I'm a somali man and they're my sistas.

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U just realizing lol, I was suprised when I heard he was a Mexican.
You’re seriously unhinged. You don’t control anyone here but yourself. Is this online persona this important to you?? I don’t need to explain myself to you. Your manipulative words may work on some but I see through your word salad. Like I said there’s a reason I choose to not engage with you.
Unhinged is an understatement, somehow she makes an easy win against omar del sur into a massive draw... Excuse my words but I think that user is insane, I say this referencing my own personal experiences and observations.
@Omar del Sur brother you have explained yourself/clarified and apologized. All the sincere Muslims who love Islam/Muslims have accepted it.

There is no need to go back and forth and be bothered by either outright kafirs on here or feminists or those who traffic in hate. Those who are filled with hate and are constantly peddling hate and division on here on almost every topic are not worth your time. Kafirs/liberals are not worth your time.

Their sickness is deep and beyond you. Nothing to waste energy on.
@Omar del Sur I share the same view as this guy, but i hope u learn from this a little bit. You are a good user and contribute be welcome and let this just be a lesson.
This thread is the definition of shaqo la'an.

I am surprised to see Kalsoon being attacked. She's amongst the most level-headed users on this forum
suprised, didnt know @Kalsoon was a she
Ok ‘female’. We all know ur a
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On god bro this user moves like an angry one too 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
I'm currently having existential dread realising every hour I spent arguing on the internet in my life amounted to nothing and I cannot achieve what I want like buying my first car, if I keep rotting my brain like this on stupid social media. And here you are banging on about the same thing 10 pages later.
Jus be like me, focus on life then come back to the drama and carpet bomb reactions quickly, 😂

It is the whole feminist MO. Ranting on and on in the name of women who they dont represent in the least. Using feminist ideology to pretend to speak for Muslim women.

It is a ploy that feminists use. While most Muslim women are far from sharing their beliefs.
Yes thats how they recruit and confuse,
This entire fiasco is sad
Honestly, its good this happened its like a lot of pressure was building and its shown the true faces of many people on this forum. (not omar)
Thanks for the summary im starting to get busy now and do not have the time to go through 50 pages of context.
I mean its crazy though since i thought omar hated cubans due to their involvement in latin america during the late 1900s. I think this was a major blunder by him who knows his real intentions if it was a mistake or a comeback I dont know.

Just apologize, you made a massive blunder and there was a good opportunity for the OP theres nothing u can really do. You even offended me but since u apologized Idrc anymore. But still, insensitive.


He did then he came back like a week later

This would be lit

Yup the Triple Feminist Online Mafia use to come after me and my friends viciously

Hold on, is Omar a fed? Ngl this would explain everything so far.

lmao ong That user actually has issues regarding threats to other users. Including me ...

Do you believe in climate change? I mean I do know the earths climate is changing I do believe in that. But I dont believe in the hoax that its a major problem, In fact i think climate change is an extremely insignificant problem. I think if it was a major problem the 'elites' would put much more focus on it. Kinda like how they banned that one type of fridge after they realized it did real damage to the Ozone layer. I dont deny it, but I think its extremely insignificant. Now Im not saying we should pollute all we want and keep things dirty, no no no.

Something I noticed honestly, im somewhat indifferent too it. Its just when they start pushing thier ideas, neutral or bad that gets me. This is a somali forum, its in the name. Its a somali space, you need to be respectful of where u are at. Seriously....

or maybe youre seeing things


Its the biggest waste of time, Anger & Ghost method does the trick. However, you might get ignored

U just realizing lol, I was suprised when I heard he was a Mexican.

Unhinged is an understatement, somehow she makes an easy win against omar del sur into a massive draw... Excuse my words but I think that user is insane, I say this referencing my own personal experiences and observations.

@Omar del Sur I share the same view as this guy, but i hope u learn from this a little bit. You are a good user and contribute be welcome and let this just be a lesson.

suprised, didnt know @Kalsoon was a she

On god bro this user moves like an angry one too 🤣🤣🤣🤣
How did bro reply to basically everything

