On a date is it gaajanimo to do the following ?

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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
To go Dutch ?

Say you couldn't finish the meal would you ask " takeaway box "? ( you're the female taking the left over home and he paid for the dinner date)

Would you ( the female) deduct points from him if you noticed that he is paying the meal with groupon? ( hada keep in mind that you stuffed yourself and you enjoyed it and you ordered whatever you desired )
going dutch is some ass shit that would be awkward af how would you even tell her shit like that the other two waa caadi tho.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
going dutch is some ass shit that would be awkward af how would you even tell her shit like that the other two waa caadi tho.

It makes no sense to me bro that ultra feminist somali chicks want to be equal on all other matters except dividing up the cost of the dinner

( you didn't answer the groupon question)

Queen Carawelo

Why would you ask a female out if you're going to make her pay for her half? What female would stay with a guy who told her that?

Groupon? Really menace? Smh.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Why would you ask a female out if you're going to make her pay for her half? What female would stay with a guy who told her that?

Groupon? Really menace? Smh.

I'm just asking abaayo, does not necessarily mean I've done it :banderas:


I would pay for everything but if she says that she will pay half....she is free to do so.

groupons thou :chrisfreshhah:gaajo gaajo dhashey waxasi o kale :hemad:


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
I would pay for everything but if she says that she will pay half....she is free to do so.

groupons thou :chrisfreshhah:gaajo gaajo dhashey waxasi o kale :hemad:

You do know that you can discreetly pay with groupon without her even knowing ..just slip your phone with the bar code on the screen..all waiters know not to blow your cover cause you can sue them for "mental anguish"

Queen Carawelo

You do know that you can discreetly pay with groupon without her even knowing ..just slip your phone with the bar code on the screen..all waiters know not to blow your cover cause you can sue them for "mental anguish"
Loooooooooooooooooool@ sue for mental anguish. Wallahi billahi I've laughed out loud. :chrisfreshhah::deadrose:
It makes no sense to me bro that ultra feminist somali chicks want to be equal on all other matters except dividing up the cost of the dinner

( you didn't answer the groupon question)
groupon and take away is calm i know what you mean sxb funny thing is they are equal when it suits them but if we were on a sinking boat no feminist would complain about sexism or inequality all i want is consistency haven't met many somali feminist tho.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Menace you cheap ass nigga.

I only insist to pay if I ain't feeling the dude it's my way of saying I'm not interested anymore.
I'm going with a first hand impression and if he paid with goupons you know what that tells me :fantasia2:.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Loooooooooooooooooool@ sue for mental anguish. Wallahi billahi I've laughed out loud. :chrisfreshhah::deadrose:

Yes! Then what else qualifies for such a suit then this.

Imagine I being pursuing Idol for ages ( as I have been) and say that I stopped by in MN and miraculously she allowed me to take her out for dinner but bc I am groupon abuser and that I'm addicted to it that I tried to pay the bill with it and that nacasad waitress says " sir you would like to pay it with your groupon voucher right?":angryman::drakewtf::drakewtf:

This certainly will make idol flee:eminemdamn:


You do know that you can discreetly pay with groupon without her even knowing ..just slip your phone with the bar code on the screen..all waiters know not to blow your cover cause you can sue them for "mental anguish"
"mental anguish":deadmanny::damn:


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Menace you cheap ass nigga.

I only insist to pay if I ain't feeling the dude it's my way of saying I'm not interested anymore.
I'm going with a first hand impression and if he paid with goupons you know what that tells me :fantasia2:.
Let m make the scenario juicy...

Say that your attracted to him..he is handsome and you know that he is a JP Morgan Risk analyst supervisor ( I really have a friend who is just like this..I know you chicks like tall man and he is 6'5) but he is adamant that girls should be equal and should not be treated as a second class citizen. He refuses to pay the date dinner and it's an insult to a female's dignity in his book ..what do you make of it ?
Menace you cheap ass nigga.

I only insist to pay if I ain't feeling the dude it's my way of saying I'm not interested anymore.
I'm going with a first hand impression and if he paid with goupons you know what that tells me :fantasia2:.
what that he is smart with his money why wast it if you got a groupon?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Let m make the scenario juicy...

Say that your attracted to him..he is handsome and you know that he is a JP Morgan Risk analyst supervisor ( I really have a friend who is just like this..I know you chicks like tall man and he is 6'5) but he is adamant that girls should be equal and should not be treated as a second class citizen. He refuses to pay the date dinner and it's an insult to a female's dignity in his book ..what do you make of it ?
He is stingy
I was told by a wise old woman to stay away from stingy men like your friend therefore my impression is if he couldn't pay for simple dinner that won't cost him much he would probably tell me to pay half of the wedding expenses.


Let m make the scenario juicy...

Say that your attracted to him..he is handsome and you know that he is a JP Morgan Risk analyst supervisor ( I really have a friend who is just like this..I know you chicks like tall man and he is 6'5) but he is adamant that girls should be equal and should not be treated as a second class citizen. He refuses to pay the date dinner and it's an insult to a female's dignity in his book ..what do you make of it ?
imo I think you should treat every woman you date as a "potential" wife, so paying for dinner shouldn't be that of a problem....i am sure it won't break your bank too.

that's just me thou.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Going Dutch is a move. I'd pay the whole thing.

I don't know what's so wrong about groupon though.

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