Habbad ina Kamas
(Giant)Habbad ina Kamas was a legendary cruel giant who ruled half of ancient Somalia. Habbad oppressive rule was the complete opposite to the kindness and care that was bestowed upon the other half of the land ruled by the giant Biriir ina Barqo. He was eventually defeated and slain in battle by Biriir, when the latter found out about Habbad's tyranny. Biriir ina Barqo
(Giant)Biriir ina Barqo was a legendary heroic giant in ancient Somalia known for his just rule and kindness. He lived in a cave called Shimbiraale (the cave of birds) and used to wear a heavy ring that no man could lift. He answered the pleas of those suffering under the rule of the giant called Habbad and defeated him in battle. He then united the two lands and ushered in a long period of peace.[14]
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Allah created Adam, making him 60 cubits tall. When He created him, He said to him, “Go and greet that group of angels, and listen to their reply, for it will be your greeting (salutation) and the greeting (salutations of your offspring.” So, Adam said (to the angels), As-Salamu Alaikum (i.e. Peace be upon you). The angels said, “As-salamu Alaika wa Rahmatu-l-lahi” (i.e. Peace and Allah’s Mercy be upon you). Thus the angels added to Adam’s salutation the expression, ‘Wa Rahmatu-l-lahi,’ Any person who will enter Paradise will resemble Adam (in appearance and figure). People have been decreasing in stature since Adam’s creation.
The Vatican has been long accused of keeping artifacts and ancient books in their vast cellars, without allowing the outside world access to them. These secret treasures, often of a controversial historical or religious nature, are allegedly suppressed by the Catholic Church because they might damage the church’s credibility, or perhaps cast their official texts in doubt. Sadly, there is overwhelming evidence that something very similar is happening with the Smithsonian Institution.
The Smithsonian Institution was started in 1829 when an eccentric British millionaire, by the name of James Smithson, died and left $515,169 to create an institution “for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” Unfortunately, there is evidence the Smithsonian has been more active in the suppression of knowledge… than the diffusion of it for the last hundred years. (…)
The Smithsonian began to promote the idea that Native Americans, at that time being exterminated in the Indian wars, were descended from advanced civilizations and were worthy of respect and protection. They also began a program of suppressing any archaeological evidence that lent credence to the school of thought known as Diffusionism, a school which believes that throughout history there has been widespread dispersion of culture and civilization via contact by ship and major trade routes.
The Smithsonian opted for the opposite school, known as Isolationism. Isolationism holds that most civilizations are isolated from each other and that there has been very little contact between them, especially those that are separated by bodies of water. (…)
When the contents of many ancient mounds and pyramids of the Midwest were examined it was shown that the history of the Mississippi River Valleys was that of an ancient and sophisticated culture that had been in contact with Europe and other areas. Not only that, the contents of many mounds revealed burials of huge men, sometimes seven or eight feet tall, in full armour with swords and sometimes huge treasures. (…)
Though the idea of the Smithsonian’s covering up a valuable archaeological find is difficult to accept for some, there is, sadly, a great deal of evidence to suggest that the Smithsonian Institution has knowingly covered up and “lost” important archaeological relics. (…)
I believe that the discerning reader will see that if only a small part of the “Smithsoniangate” evidence is true then our most hallowed archaeological institution has been actively involved in suppressing evidence for advanced American cultures, evidence for ancient voyages of various cultures to North America, evidence for anomalistic giants and other oddball artifacts, and evidence that tends to disprove the official dogma that is now the history of North America.
Who created the jars and what their exact purpose was remains unclear. But comparable vessels—some measuring up to 10 feet tall and 6.5 feet wide—have previously been discovered in Laos and Indonesia, reports Hannah Osborne for Newsweek. Some of these giant jars contained human remains, hinting at their use in burial rituals.
What qabil was the good one from?I've heard two giants used to rule somalia, one was good the other bad, the Somali peninsula was separated by them and the end they fought the good guy winning