One simple but radical trick to ending qabilism...

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Hala laayo every single zooma/li odey and let a nation wide council led by nationalist youth take control of the country.

This plan will have to be mapped out for decades as we will have to setup sirdoon networks and a good guerilla force that'll later turn to a nationalist militia we will be business men, and ppl from all aspects of somali life whom will support and maintain the finances of our group this will ensure loyalty and we'll promise free education/healthcare and food to any somali mother who sends out her son as a member

Based on our support from the poor and the ones who we took care of (which would be all Somalis), we will grow in power and run for elections multiple times. If we're screwed over we'll start a campaign and based on our already strong foundation we'll easily manage to defeat the useless zoom/ali qabiils and execute their odeys. Therefore saving them from themselves. We will then start with education & train adults to have a skilled workforce then we'll invest in farms, industries, ports and minerals. This will signify an era of extreme hard work that is maintained by the bullet.

We will then be a peaceful neutral nation like Switzerland a land of poets and milk. We will form powerful Somali corporations and reel in investors. We will have advanced infrastructure a good health create a system based on the German one a good education system that takes aspects from the African (Somali, Kenyan) and the European (finish, British) systems of education.

We will also heavily invest in the arts and history sector preserving what we can.

Then and only then can we be true “SOMALIS”.
this will require me to land a good software engineering job and start my own company which will be the pre-requirment to this plan.I'll fly solo for a while buying farms creating mills, small industries,workshops etc then i'll start having some colleagues and after a certain number (that i dont want to share) we'll have enough to start the group. Just watch a decade down the line.
the youth are more tribalistic, the ones raised and born in the west are most hateful, isaaqs are more tribaisitc and thought to hate Ogaden, darood, marehans , harti, siad barre, Sayidka etc , other tribes hate eacvh other

all tribes need to be kept separate, a confederation like the classic american one or germans sattes or swizz that will lead to a federal state might win, the swiss have 7 presdeints,

yet the swiss of 8 million have 11 time the GDP of thiopi or kenya or 3 times that of pakistan of 210 million
Yeah, someone needs to start a rightwing nationalist party in Somalia. But I dunno if us diaspora can really contribute. Won't native Somalis be resentful of 'outsiders' trying to stir things up?
the youth are more tribalistic, the ones raised and born in the west are most hateful, isaaqs are more tribaisitc and thought to hate Ogaden, darood, marehans , harti, siad barre, Sayidka etc , other tribes hate eacvh other

all tribes need to be kept separate, a confederation like the classic american one or germans sattes or swizz that will lead to a federal state might win, the swiss have 7 presdeints,

yet the swiss of 8 million have 11 time the GDP of thiopi or kenya or 3 times that of pakistan of 210 million
if you bring together young kids and take them away to a well facilitated and maintained institution they'll come knowing only the culture,history and language
We need someone to unite the country and to write the constitution. Someone who steps down and allows the Somali people to elect a president. You are not it.
democracy will find it hard(but not impossible) to work in the current somalia. This needs a unified and foward thinking mindset which we lack as a people right now..
Qabiil isn't the problem. People are to emotional about qabiil. Imagine somalis had no fadhi kudirir, shit would be lame af:gucciwhat:

Perception of qabiil needs to be changed, most somalis don't hate other qabiil in their heart, we just got nothing else to do but diss:lolbron:
Qabiil isn't the problem. People are to emotional about qabiil. Imagine somalis had no fadhi kudirir, shit would be lame af:gucciwhat:

Perception of qabiil needs to be changed, most somalis don't hate other qabiil in their heart, we just got nothing else to do but diss:lolbron:
then we should find something to do otherwise other countries will find something to do to us
if you bring together young kids and take them away to a well facilitated and maintained institution they'll come knowing only the culture,history and language

over 100 years ago a white man travlling said somalis worship God, camel and tribe and qat,

it has not changed,
Yeah, someone needs to start a rightwing nationalist party in Somalia. But I dunno if us diaspora can really contribute. Won't native Somalis be resentful of 'outsiders' trying to stir things up?
Outsiders. We are literally family that went out into the new world to forage for them! they shoudl be grateful of anything but the stubborn ones back home have got to go. We will try to show them the way and advise them but if they persist in ruining our reputation then we must take the country by force.



Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Hala laayo every single zooma/li odey and let a nation wide council led by nationalist youth take control of the country.

This plan will have to be mapped out for decades as we will have to setup sirdoon networks and a good guerilla force that'll later turn to a nationalist militia we will be business men, and ppl from all aspects of somali life whom will support and maintain the finances of our group this will ensure loyalty and we'll promise free education/healthcare and food to any somali mother who sends out her son as a member

Based on our support from the poor and the ones who we took care of (which would be all Somalis), we will grow in power and run for elections multiple times. If we're screwed over we'll start a campaign and based on our already strong foundation we'll easily manage to defeat the useless zoom/ali qabiils and execute their odeys. Therefore saving them from themselves. We will then start with education & train adults to have a skilled workforce then we'll invest in farms, industries, ports and minerals. This will signify an era of extreme hard work that is maintained by the bullet.

We will then be a peaceful neutral nation like Switzerland a land of poets and milk. We will form powerful Somali corporations and reel in investors. We will have advanced infrastructure a good health create a system based on the German one a good education system that takes aspects from the African (Somali, Kenyan) and the European (finish, British) systems of education.

We will also heavily invest in the arts and history sector preserving what we can.

Then and only then can we be true “SOMALIS”.
I don’t think qabiil is the issue the way it’s used to undermine each other to kill someone for it that’s where the problem is

Here’s an idea

-schools should teach All Somali youth about the history

- About Qabiil and racism two are similar cause most back home probably never felt what it feels like to be targeted because of your background

- Government should separate qabiil and politics

- Anyone whose caught on Video badmouthing someone’s qabiil should be fined or jailed and label it as hate crime

- Any clan elder that’s using threats such as we of heblayo tribe are gonna do such and such should be jailed with the quickness

Also any time someone is jailed it’s crucial to not be lenient and let people go or accept bribes everybody should know that they can’t be above the law
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