ONLF Chairman: We will never compromise on our homeland,history,honor and Somali identity.

Masha-allah, well spoken adeer, a xabash or a dirty Oromo shouldn't be allowed to suppress Somali dignity and honor and tell us our forefathers were terrorists and we have been defeated, accepting or comprising on this is truly honorless..


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
MashAllah, this is how every somali in galbeed feels.

this would be good and all if they actually tried to do something instead of these useless statements that are easily ignored and have no impact

What can they do ? Without a strong somali state, it is hopeless. Why do you think Ogaden is the most nationalistic? They also have done a lot, they prevented ethiopia from exploiting resources. If they hadnt, and were. It wouldve only tightened their grip on galbeed and wouldve caused settler colonialism with the habash. Who obviously wouldnt let somalis have a stake. These statements do have an impact, it reaffirms the belief of every somali in galbeed. They view themselves as a fragmented part of Somalia.

All talk no action ๐Ÿ˜‚ nobody believe Somalinimo qabyalad iyo qurun is what they believeโ€ฆ Ogaden itโ€™s self is a qabil name Ogaden liberation front ๐Ÿ˜‚
stfu hypocrite. You are thrive off of qabil differences and hatred, every somali believes in somalinimo just cause your a harden 'puntite' noble majerten haplo e bullshit whatever you are dosent make you any better. ONLF fights on behalf of all somalis in galbeed. I agree the name should change but it dosent breakaway from their cause.

Qabyalad and qurun is what you believe in, I litteraly saw you arguing with your own member of qabil @DR OSMAN a few days ago, just goes to show the sick diesease of qabilism has no bounds... It will continue to devolve and devolve until its you against your own brother.

I invite you to change, or you can continue to live a life of misery analyzing DNA and haplogroups to reaffirm your Bs qabil beliefs.

Edit: This you? @Libaax-Joore


MashAllah, this is how every somali in galbeed feels.

What can they do ? Without a strong somali state, it is hopeless. Why do you think Ogaden is the most nationalistic? They also have done a lot, they prevented ethiopia from exploiting resources. If they hadnt, and were. It wouldve only tightened their grip on galbeed and wouldve caused settler colonialism with the habash. Who obviously wouldnt let somalis have a stake. These statements do have an impact, it reaffirms the belief of every somali in galbeed. They view themselves as a fragmented part of Somalia.

stfu hypocrite. You are thrive off of qabil differences and hatred, every somali believes in somalinimo just cause your a harden 'puntite' noble majerten haplo e bullshit whatever you are dosent make you any better. ONLF fights on behalf of all somalis in galbeed. I agree the name should change but it dosent breakaway from their cause.

Qabyalad and qurun is what you believe in, I litteraly saw you arguing with your own member of qabil @DR OSMAN a few days ago, just goes to show the sick diesease of qabilism has no bounds... It will continue to devolve and devolve until its you against your own brother.

I invite you to change, or you can continue to live a life of misery analyzing DNA and haplogroups to reaffirm your Bs qabil beliefs.

Edit: This you? @Libaax-Joore
View attachment 342864

You don't understand PL culture, it's loud, direct, and take no enemies this has helped us heal and move forward because our hearts r clean. We r not like some parts of the nation playing xishood yet blowing themselves up lol, they have a a clean mouth but his heart is diseased, where as we have a dirty mouth but our hearts r clean and that's why we can move forward while they can't.

War anagu ciilkeena af bay ku dhamaata, and it helps in the healing process so it doesn't become cuqdud cancer inside your body.
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Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
You don't understand PL culture, it's loud, direct, and take no enemies this has helped us heal and move forward because our hearts r clean. We r not like some parts of the nation playing xishood yet blowing themselves up lol, they have a a clean mouth but his heart is diseased, where as we have a dirty mouth but our hearts r clean and that's why we can move forward while they can't.

War anagu ciilkeena af bay ku dhamaata, and it helps in the healing process so it doesn't become cuqdud cancer inside your body.
I put a Mediocore emoji on you, your analogy kinda makes sense but I fail to recognize how it applies here. Yes people should use words to express angry instead of violent actions. But why are you differentiating people from puntland aka MJ (I notice this trend of shifting from MJ to Puntland, which is something the rest of the regions in somalia need to work on doing but I still think states need to be broken up sicne their too big right now.. all states not just pl) Yes I have to agree, puntland is the most safest, business happy and competent place in present somalia. But thats realtive to the rest of somalia... and you see how it is. The best achievements are similar to a city in the usa with a population of 5000. Were better together as one strong country. Fragmented, we are nothing but pawns for larger nations. You see how I refer to everyone here is OUR. Thats what it needs to be, we need to be together.
We cant play this xishood game where everyone goes into their own little corner and reverts to primitive qabilism. We need to invest in a greater somali state with a powerful central government that wont bend to foreigners and also strong power being devolved to the local states. Of course not as big as they are now, or you will end up with a dysfunctional pathetic system of federalism... I think somaliweyn should be split up into 50~ states. each can manage it self to a certain extent, but central government is still strong has presecene all over. Then there can be group of states, that we can call provinces that have no local authority. Its complicated. But what im trying to say here is the current system is dysfunctional and dosent work at all We need a strong central government. States like puntland, somaliland, sws cannot challenge the central national government. Thats how you know a state is dysfunctional. But it dosent help that we have incompetent leaders all over