ONLF meeting in Moyaale


This is the spokesperson of the ONLF in Moyaale with the community elders.

Last time we linked we reached Mt.Kenya The only other people who are tough on foreigners Moyaale Boys lets expand that green line :vncu2n5:




You can tell its a shishyeye foreign race, none of them carry the ONLF flag, the average shacab, sure in the last picture a couple flags, but if this was Godey Gacal, Dagaxbuur, Nogon, Imay, Warder, Marmo -Afheer etc, they would be wearing the ONLF flag and ties and the flags will be flying half mast from homes,

45 Ogaden Liyu lads died defending Moyaale in oct 2019 when Oromo forces tried taking it, its imperative we keep that green line , for if we allow one inch of this land to be taken, then Godey and Afheer will be next, maybe even Jubaland with hordes of invaders,

I would like to see more shisheye in DDS defending their patches of land, over 100 OG lads died in Nov 2019 defending Shaniley from Canfaar,

we need a system where the canon fodder is the local tribe but the officers are OG/Absame so that shaniley and moyaale are defended by the local tribe but lead by well trained Absame officers, a couple months ago canfaar attacked again and who died? not the ciise who are the locals but our precious OG sons,

who is responsible for looking after the orphans and the mothers and fathers these young man left behind? let these local creatures who hate us fight - i remember when garre and dagodia Mps were calling for Absame degmos and Mps to be slashed - remember they hate you deep down,

also remmebr how ciise and other dir booty clapped for iley to go even though he was fighting for them and safing them from oromo hordes, they deserve nothing, specially not the precious blood of our sons who died for their land, yet deep down hate us,

ungrateful minorities. also why are we constantly saving marehan when HG slap them and they run to DDS? are they not the menace race that is causing issues with their buun in chief wanna be?

we need a united strategy like iley had where Absame in all the 3 nations deal with an enemy simultaneously if they threatened one of our regions , iley used to keep xamar in check when ever they threatened jubaland politically or strategically, he is the one who forced hassan sheikh to come to jigjiga and dance dhaanto with madoobe and accept jubaland as a state

from now on let marehan fend for themselves when HG deal with them, let us block them from running to warder safety

anyways, that is my rant for the day, we compromise with minorities who hate us too much, we are too nice, i want this changed, i want to bring back the old classic Absame that for centuries shot their enemies in the mouth and then asked questions, we have become too much humanitarian obsessed, not good when you deal with barbarian wild animals
all the competent leaders of the early 2000's left or died all that is left is diaspora leaders who dont know what they are doing