orlando shooting: terrorism or hate crime?

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Do you think the shooting is linked to terrorism? I think it is more of a hate crime than a terrorist attack. I dont think the shooter had a political target. He might have done this just out of hate towards gays and lesbians. What is your opinion?
I dont think US take that much refugees in compared to europe. And i think the muslims in america integrate more into society compared to europe.
It's a hate crime because he slaughtered 50 gays after seeing two gays kiss in public. It's also terrorism because he was pro IS
So do you agree that the white guy who shooted several black people because he was black and maybe supported the kkk is a terrorist?
Why did the guy shoot innocent people. Better leave the gay people. They are humans.
Ohh muslim brace yourselves, they will blame it on you and you will face a lot of ...... Something. More people will start to hate us.:snoop:
Apologies if I made you think like that. It just sucks because whenever they call this terrorism I feel they are connecting me with this.

We should not shy away from calling what it is. This was terrorism by IS. 50 were slaughtered because of who they were.
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