Oromos launch an attack on Qarsaaduule district of Liibaan Zone


They're probably seeking revenge. May Allah liberate Somali galbeed and keep illegal foreigns out. We can't afford to have corrupt leaders anymore when we are facing a threat from people with expansion mentality.
I watched another video about oromo expansionism and this recent attack, some interesting points were brought up.

1. Somali politicians look the other way when these attacks happen & have no desire to advocate or help innocent somali communities who have to deal with these border attacks, just so they can keep their seats.

2. They (oromos) control their water and electricity and usually cut it off right before (or during) attacks 💀 or cut off roads passing through oromo lands to prevent other somalis from getting to them and aiding them.

3. Other somali communities do not usually do gurmaad or it takes awhile before they do decide to help them

4. The oromo clans who are involved in this latest attack are agriculturalists who live mostly on elevated soil (mountains) and they feel that they could make better use of dhulka somalida which is at lower elevations (they want to expand for trade). They’ve apparently invested alot into farming but feel like the lowlands would better suit farming and their business endeavours ..

5. When they do weerar they like to frame it as a border dispute between them and one reer/clan and tell other somali clans not to get involved as they (oromos) do not have a problem with the other ones only one subvlan or reer 🤣 < this reminded me of when afar try to discourage other somalis or ogaden in particular from getting involved in the situation in sitti by saying ”we only have a problem with isse”
Just as they do isku dirdir through social media in mainland Somalia as MIGRANTS, it would not surprise me if they do the same to somalis in galbeed to achieve their objectives..
Also they seem to have the same political culture as amharas and tigrayans.. they do not believe in mutually beneficial trade relationships, just exploitation and since somalis would never tolerate that they want to displace them to make use of their lands and benefit from it alone. Yaahu
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Also they seem to have the same political culture as amharas and tigrayans.. they do not believe in mutually beneficial trade relationships, just exploitation and since somalis would never tolerate that they want to displace them to make use of their lands and benefit from it alone. Yahuuu

Ciil baa i haya because I know they are no match to us when we are unified.
The ethnic border keeps moving east and these attacks keep increasing, some of them don’t even end up on our radar. Unfortunately as somalis we do not go out of our way to advocate for our people, and shape the narrative by informing our people and the rest of the world on what other communities do to us. It’s why it’s easy to paint us as the aggressors. Even on newer maps the oromo region just keeps expanding and including somali villages and towns