Osama bin laden advised Somalis to build dams on the rivers to irrigate the agricultural land


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
This from the CIA declassified letters after the came to his compound

Apparently he speak a lot about Somalia in his various letter and writings


  • Letter about efforts in other regions.pdf
    54.5 KB · Views: 19


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
I personally think sugar beets would change the situation for a lot of our poor folks


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Sugar beet pulp can be used as livestock feed
Sugar is basically hard cash in the world markets
But main problem is high energy costs


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Sugar beets also don’t need much water and you can just export it to Egypt if processing it in Somalia is to expensive because they have plants that process it


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
IF Usama wrote that he had a heart for his "muslim brothers" Mashalaah.

My frustration is - Why Somalia does not have lion leaders who can change the destiny of Somalia?
The only positive thing he did in his life was dying. If only his father used a condom the world would have been a better place.
No. Afghanistan would continue to be ravaged by war. America would continue to terrorize the planet along with Israel. ISIS sent a letter apologizing to Israel for opening fire on an Israeli unit in the Syrian Golan Heights. You can't make it up. Terror groups scream death to Israel and are aroused whenever they hear it but only kill fellow muslims and innocent religious minorities(Yazidis for one)https://www.humanrightscolumbia.org/political-apologies/isis-apology-israel
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
No. Afghanistan would continue to be ravaged by war. America would continue to terrorize the planet along with Israel. ISIS sent a letter apologizing to Israel for opening fire on an Israeli unit in the Syrian Golan Heights. You can't make it up. Terror groups scream death to Israel and are aroused whenever they hear it but only kill fellow muslims and innocent religious minorities(Yazidis for one)https://www.humanrightscolumbia.org/political-apologies/isis-apology-israel

"America would continue to terrorize the plane"



Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Honestly find it sad that this guy has a better plan for somalia as a t*rroist foreigner then any of the looters weve had in the past 33 years.

Also its that time of year where everyone researches 9 11 huh 🤣
I dont have a loicense to comment, and since I dont want the guvnor to bust down my door, I will say nothing.
I am so jealous of you reer Minnesotan's being able to run your mouth with no care.
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He viewed Somalia correctly as a Muslim country screwed over by external forces for geo-political reasons, and empathized with them.

Although i don't condone their actions (especially when it targets innocent people), terrorists are not as irrational as some would have you believe. The old canard of the random crazy terrorist is not a serious assessment, just a better way to continuing denying the merit and agent of certain grievances.

Especially when those grievances are the results of US foreign policy and admitting that would make America liable.

Terrorist, if anything, are not random, cowards, or illogical. A coward is someone who flies a nuclear bomb high in the sky and drops it on women and children at zero risk to himself. A coward gets 7 nations to attack one 3rd world country.

A coward is one that supports a neighboring enemy nation with drone coverage to invade a country with no military and dismantle a grassroots movement that was creating peace , justice and stability.

A coward hides behind White House walls while sending the poor to Vietnam to die. Terrorist, just like the crying of a baby , creates a desired effect. And from a social perspective it is always a sign of a society which has failed to represent, or incorporate plurality and marginalize groups.

One thing we can agree on, unlike most politicians, is their are no insincere or fickle suicide bombers.
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سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Interesting is that Afghanistan seemed really interacted in water works, canals, and dams. I wonder if it was something Osama brought them from his time in Sudan

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Didn't he spend like two years in Somalia? I wonder if he considered Somalia to be a launching pad for his plans and eventually 9/11


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
IF Usama wrote that he had a heart for his "muslim brothers" Mashalaah.

My frustration is - Why Somalia does not have lion leaders who can change the destiny of Somalia?
Old Gen did their best now it’s our time
He viewed Somalia correctly as a Muslim country screwed over by external forces for geo-political reasons, and empathized with them.

Although i don't condone their actions (especially when it targets innocent people), terrorists are not as irrational as some would have you believe. The old canard of the random crazy terrorist is not a serious assessment, just a better way to continuing denying the merit and agent of certain grievances.

Especially when those grievances are the results of US foreign policy and admitting that would make America liable.

Terrorist, if anything, are not random, cowards, or illogical. A coward is someone who flies a nuclear bomb high in the sky and drops it on women and children at zero risk to himself. A coward gets 7 nations to attack one 3rd world country.

A coward is one that supports a neighboring enemy nation with drone coverage to invade a country with no military and dismantle a grassroots movement that was creating peace , justice and stability.

A coward hides behind White House walls while sending the poor to Vietnam to die. Terrorist, just like the crying of a baby , creates a desired effect. And from a social perspective it is always a sign of a society which has failed to represent, or incorporate plurality and marginalize groups.

One thing we can agree on, unlike most politicians, is their are no insincere or fickle suicide bombers.

Osama believed in sacrificing poor muslims (and their countries) to bring down the west. The guys literal plan was to bring down the west by dragging them into wars in ME/Africa. He believed putting poor muslims into the meatgrinder was for the greater good of the ummah kkkk, there’s no one more cowardly and evil than him and his ilk.

I believe he wanted to hide in Somalia but decided to opt for other countries because somalis were (according to him) xenophobic towards arabs 😂 shisheeye-naceyb saved us there ngl.