Palestinian communist who looks White disses White people: Tweet goes viral

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
TBH no cap,
White people do be evil but it's not cause of their skin/looks/race.

But by their actions of continuous wrong with destructive malice that's self centred which could rather instead of doing that could also be easily fixed by doing what's right by doing the right thing everytime.


Stroking my Australinimo



The average Turk looks like that and they are still not viewed as truly white in Germany/Northern Europe.

She doesn't look White at all. She looks like what she is...Middle-Eastern.

North America has lots of South Italians and White Hispanics who look like that woman and claim white.
The average Turk looks like that and they are still not viewed as truly white in Germany/Northern Europe.

North America has lots of South Italians and White Hispanics who look like that woman and claim white.
I've been to Turkey & visited some cosmopolitan cities in West Turkey, such as Izmir and Istanbul. Most people in West Turkey have a European look, although I've also seen folks with a Middle-Eastern/Kurdish or Armenian look as well who most likely migrated from the Eastern parts of Turkey in recent times.
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