Philly Muslims


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
mashallah all of the children of samaale lining up to be wed to a noble dark skinned habar gidr(im 6'3 btw) the most innocent somali sub clan in all of somalia
:rejoice: :rejoice: :ahhhh: :fredo:
Ma saan baad ku somantahay?:deadrose:
Our brothers and sisters in Philadelphia have created an environment where Muslim Americans can practice their faith. We should be saying Mashallah. Inshallah Allah will reward them for their efforts


The only Somali in Arabia
ok :yacadiim:
mashallah all of the children of samaale adam lining up to be wed to a noble dark skinned habar gidr(im 6'3 btw) the most innocent somali sub clan in all of somalia
:rejoice: :rejoice: :ahhhh: :fredo:

better now
Since the collapse of Mohamed Siad Barres’ authoritarian regime in the early 1990s, the Sa’ad and Suleiman sub-clans of the Habar Gidir clan have repeatedly fought over grazing rights and political dominance. At first, fighting revolved around the control over parts of the Madug area in central Somalia, a major centre of trade and commerce. In the following years, the conflict died down. Between 2004 and 2011, clashes over access to wells and grazing areas opposed both communities against the background of severe droughts. Fighting between the two sub-clans, which has involved the use of heavy weaponry and violent attacks on civilians, has claimed over 300 lives and is likely to resurface in the wake of severe drought (UCDP, n.d.).


teetering in-between realities
Since the collapse of Mohamed Siad Barres’ authoritarian regime in the early 1990s, the Sa’ad and Suleiman sub-clans of the Habar Gidir clan have repeatedly fought over grazing rights and political dominance. At first, fighting revolved around the control over parts of the Madug area in central Somalia, a major centre of trade and commerce. In the following years, the conflict died down. Between 2004 and 2011, clashes over access to wells and grazing areas opposed both communities against the background of severe droughts. Fighting between the two sub-clans, which has involved the use of heavy weaponry and violent attacks on civilians, has claimed over 300 lives and is likely to resurface in the wake of severe drought (UCDP, n.d.).
it's a joke, no shit habar gidr aren't innocent, how'd that fly over your head...