Pretty low damage I must say but so far I haven’t heard about civilian casualties Alx. Source is from a closeted AS sympathiser, there is many on twitter.
Moving on, this bombing was a show off strenght. We do not know who did the bombing but the message is clear. Do not threaten Xamar otherwise you will be bombed.
Its evident foreign entitites want Somalia to remain weakened by playing both sides and somalis are letting that happened with no resistance at all. This bomb was to strike terror into the group, especially the leadership. Think twice about overthrowing our weak and servile client state (FGS) gaalada said.
We are in a extremely tough situation in south and central Somalia. Its either FGS, a corrupt and foreign installed government that doesn’t do anything. Practically useless. Then its AS, a khawariji organisation that ship in shisheeyes to cause mayhem in our lands. I view them more badly because they are hypocrites.
A 3rd option is needed. There must be. I first wanted it to happen by FGS reforming but that is not happening.
At this point our hope is qabyaalad. Lets rip of the band aid and address everything through qabiil. Lets go back to what we know and have been accustomed to over a millennia. Not saying everything is not seen through qabiil but there needs to a council where clan leaders are represented. Get them accountable and lets stop this bullshit of blaming FGS or AS.