PL Elders welcome appointment of new FGS interior minister



Garoowe: Siyaasiyiinta, Odeyaasha iyo Waxgaradka Bulshada oo soo Dhoweeyey Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ee Soomaaliya Mudane Xildhinaan Cali Xoosh

Odeyaasha dhaqanka, Siyaasiyiin, Waxgaradka, Dhalinyarada, Haweenka iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada ku dhaqan caasimadda Puntland Garoowe ayaa munaasabad isugu jirta soo dhoweyn, hambalyo, taageero iyo ducaba u sameeyey Wasiirka cusub ee Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Federaalka iyo Dib-u-heshiisiinta XFS Xildhibaan Ali Yusuf Ali - Xoosh

Waxgaradka iyo masโ€™uuliyiinta oo ka hadlay munaasabadda ayaa muujiyay dareenkooda ku aaddan marka la eego khibradda, aqoonta, waxgalnimada iyo kalsoonida ay ku qabaan dadka deegaanka ay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin xulashada hoggaanka dalka ay Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ee Soomaaliya u xusheen Xildhibaan Cali Xoosh.

Dhanka kale, Masโ€™uuliyiinta kala duwan ee ka hadashay kulanka waxaa ay hoosta ka xariiqeen kalsoonidooda ku aaddan in Wasiirka cusub ee Arrimaha Gudaha Soomaaliya mudane Xildhibaan Cali Yuusuf uu wax badan kusoo kordhin doono horumarinta Wasaaradda Arrimaha, Federaalka, Xallinta khulaafaadka Dowladda dhexe iyo Puntlnad iyo arrimo kale.

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Qoor Qoor baa Xamar ka taliye since he refused the eviction order issued by fuley HSM
QQ saying that he will speak to the "madaxada" to postpone the deadline of the evictions translates to refusing the eviction order in your mind๐Ÿคฃ

Mahad is about takeover galmudug while qq occupies himself with squatters in xamar๐Ÿ’€


There is 2 constitutions. The constitution ratified in 2012 August is the only Somalia which PL recognises. HSM mandate ended in April 2024 in our federal constitution.

The constitution he has wa mid isaga UU gaar ah mana ah ti somaliyeed.
I don't care what you recognize sxb. You are deluded and just rambling on this forum lol I suggest you watch the first video

The thread is about PL elders meeting in Garowe and welcoming the appointment of the new interior minister named by PM Hamze Barre. He will soon tour puntland. There is 0 military resistance to this and I'm sure Sanyare will tag along.


I don't care what you recognize sxb. You are deluded and just rambling on this forum lol I suggest you watch the first video

The thread is about PL elders meeting in Garowe and welcoming the appointment of the new interior minister named by PM Hamze Barre. He will soon tour puntland. There is 0 military resistance to this and I'm sure Sanyare will tag along.

We have a govt that represents us not a few men given kickbacks in a hotel. Our govt has made its position clear. HSM has violated some backbone principles of the 2012 August constitution such as federalism, decision making procedural law, and a parliamentary executive, thereby he is now seen as the former president of Somalia.

PL in the mean time is an independent state untill all Somalis return to the constitution ratified in August 2012 and a new round of elections are held for a new president. HSM federal mandate ended in April 2024, he now has the status of banadir mayor to PL legal elites.
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The people of PL are represented by its PL executive. Like these guys. Not a bunch of men in a hotel with no mandate.

Our elected legislative and appointed judicial are also legitimate representative organs of our state. All we need now is to bring all state organs under a powerful and historical royal institution such as Isimada who will not be apart of the state(be political) but above the state with oversight power and have reserve powers in the event of political deadlocks, national emergency disaster such as wars or instability. The Isimo will only exercise this power as a united bloc and only in the event of emergencies not day to day politics.

If PL had such structure it would be fail proof and in safety for centuries to come. Even Australia and Canada have such system when politicians disagree or state collapse is near.


The people of PL are represented by its PL executive. Like these guys. Not a bunch of men in a hotel with no mandate.
Your federal mps represent you when it comes to voting on the federal constitution and other federal matters not your local state level mps and ministers


Your federal mps represent you when it comes to voting on the federal constitution and other federal matters not your local state level mps and ministers
And thats pretty much it. Deni handpicked their representatives as well

I don't know why hes babbling about the inner workings of puntland like that is any of our business :drakewtf:

