According to thisSanaag/Haylaan districts include Badhan, Dhahar, Laasqoray, Hadaaftimo, Xingalool, Buraan, Ceelbuh.
Only Buuhoodle, Taleex and Boocame are in Sool/Cayn.
Laasqoray has a useless mayor that don't even live in the city, lots of projects the previous mayor started had not been implemented and overall a lack of maamuul, LQ businessmen exporting Gold do not pay taxes and millions of revenue not being shared with the citizens.Sanaag/Haylaan districts include Badhan, Dhahar, Laasqoray, Hadaaftimo, Xingalool, Buraan, Ceelbuh.
Only Buuhoodle, Taleex and Boocame are in Sool/Cayn.
The districts I listed are close to reality because Hadaaftimo and Ceelbuh are both in PL control and bigger than Yubbe and Fiqi, also SL troops are stationed in Yubbe so Hadaaftimo clearly comes before Yubbe.
Yubbe's mayor will always be Boqor Ibrahim Gacamyare he's liked over there ,his father founded the town in the 1940s and was mayor until mid 2010s, when his son succeeded him after him his son will succeed him.
It's municipal elections and will determine the official parties so they're not related to parliamentary elections, I don't know if they will do that next, the official parties will discuss the way forward when municipal elections concludes.How many parliamentary seats will pl have for each district
Didnt jeegaan qaat addict control BocaameSanaag/Haylaan districts include Badhan, Dhahar, Laasqoray, Hadaaftimo, Xingalool, Buraan, Ceelbuh.
Only Buuhoodle, Taleex and Boocame are in Sool/Cayn.