Plato's ideal state -philosophy

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Your superior
Plato, one of the most important humans, thinker and philosopher described his ideal state to see the virtues of justice.

He believed that societies are born out of necessity because we each have different characteristics thus we need the collective to survive. he put people in different categories, some were suitable to farming, Warriors, traders and so on. Everyone would do what they are suited to and this allow the society (state) to function smoothly- he was hinting at what can be described as comparative advantage later developed by economist Ricardo - everyone does what they are good at.

Anyone this state would would need guardians to look after its interests, these guardians would recieve education, there would be censorship on the material they are exposed to such as glory seeking gods etc.

this state would be looked after by philosopher rulers, they would be brought up by the state, educated in different fields until they reached about 50 then start ruling, they wouldn't have private property.

most importantly in this state those with the best virtues would breed together, the intelligent would breed with the intelligent, the strong with the strong etc

Plato argued that most importantly the institutions of family and marriage should be abolished, so you would breed and move on, new born children would be taken by the state. this essentially creates truly no connections and reasons as to why one wouldn't put the state first

critics deem this totally totalitarian.
also is it worth giving up individual happiness and choice for the state
eugenics is going down a bad road

Plato, one of the most important humans, thinker and philosopher described his ideal state to see the virtues of justice.

He believed that societies are born out of necessity because we each have different characteristics thus we need the collective to survive. he put people in different categories, some were suitable to farming, Warriors, traders and so on. Everyone would do what they are suited to and this allow the society (state) to function smoothly- he was hinting at what can be described as comparative advantage later developed by economist Ricardo - everyone does what they are good at.

Anyone this state would would need guardians to look after its interests, these guardians would recieve education, there would be censorship on the material they are exposed to such as glory seeking gods etc.

this state would be looked after by philosopher rulers, they would be brought up by the state, educated in different fields until they reached about 50 then start ruling, they wouldn't have private property.

most importantly in this state those with the best virtues would breed together, the intelligent would breed with the intelligent, the strong with the strong etc

Plato argued that most importantly the institutions of family and marriage should be abolished, so you would breed and move on, new born children would be taken by the state. this essentially creates truly no connections and reasons as to why one wouldn't put the state first

critics deem this totally totalitarian.
also is it worth giving up individual happiness and choice for the state
eugenics is going down a bad road


Developing such a platonic relationships with state will result in its downfall. Native american children during the colonisation period of america were sometimes adopted. No fruitful relationship emerged between the 'parent' and 'child' despite learning to communicate with each other fluently. Fights broke out resulting in death.

Being adept at something does not always mean that they will enjoy it. A person chosen as a warrior from birth might want to become a physician. Qualms between the individual and state would be expected.

Implementing this institution in somalia might remove tribalism from the country though.
Doqon man, if you have a weak industry then you are fucked.
Non the less, I believe his theory of comparative advantage to hold some water

I believe in free trade.

No crying zone. Compete or drown.

I will only protect aviation and telecommunications and food for the purpose of national security if I am leader of the skinnies.

Everything else maxaa iga galay. Compete or drown.

@AbdiJohnson how did a saaqid like u learn about these two men

@waraabe I provide expert advice to North America's oil and gas leaders. I am not your typical skinny
Today I learned Plato was a communist. Well I'll be damned.

I don't really have much to input on this philosophical topic, but it makes me different would western society be if then Persians had won the Greco-Persian wars. Alexander the great would've never had spread Greek culture across Asia Minor, Asia, Europe and North Africa.

I bet we would be living in a different society now. The Greeks contributed a lot to western ideologies. It's crazy how decisive that war was. Greeks were heavily outnumbered too, still don't know how they won.
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