Pokemon go

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Anybody playing it? I barely got to level 4 but surprisingly it became very popular. People are meeting up and devising tactics and formulating plans. I'm currently joined one
I have it on my phone but I'm still stuck at level 2 because I haven't went out to walk for the game.... My poor bellsprout and bulbasaur.

For now, I'll just catch them at home. :deadpeter:
Only people in America Australia Japan and new Zealand should have access to Pokemon go. Y'all are abusing the server's


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I cant download it cause apparently it's not oit in Sweden and I heard you have to Walk around to play this game :bell:

Here I was thinking id be catching pokemons sitting on My lazy ass
I'm 25 catching Pokemon what's up? I'm not so insecure I'll let others dictated what I should enjoy.

Agreed. I'm late 20s. On one level, it is nostalgic, no doubt. On another level, Pokemon Go is on its way to be the most successful augmented reality game. It adds a layer of entertainment to going for a run, a bike ride, exploring the city, etc. It's more than a game. Y'all missing out.

@Mercury get off the couch and go catch them all
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