Police officer shot dead in East London

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That's Glasgow. London has its own police force; the Metropolitan Police Service. Black on black crime is real and they're saving all our lives by preventing the American style ghettoisation of largely black areas.

Also, Glasgow is a certified shithole. Half of the homeless in London are Glaswegians who would rather sleep on a cardboard box in London than live in a council flat in Glasgow. Its also mainly white so they don't need a specialist unit to deal with white on white crime.


RIP ?? >>> The officer was airlifted to hospital after the shooting took place at approximately 12.45PM. A man is believed to be in custody on suspicion of shooting the police officer, whose injuries are not thought to be life threatening.


I don't know why I read that as 'shot dead' - I must be getting senile. I hope the officer recovers fully from their injuries.


Popo in London a different breed to the child killing, cowardly meatheads of the USA. I'm safer in a run down area of London than I am in a small town in America.


Popo in London a different breed to the child killing, cowardly meatheads of the USA. I'm safer in a run down area of London than I am in a small town in America.
What do you need cops for buy a gun and protect yourself instead always relying on someone else:gunsmiley:
She's right though. The most run down areas in UK are still miles better than the ghettos in America.
This reminds a story my mix nigga was in north mpls when a car pulled up black nigga jumped with his shot gun pointed at my nigga's face and robbed him on the spot it was a busy street in the middle of the day two:cryinglaughsmiley:


I kind of agree, I'd rather get shot and get it over with than shanked and slowly bleed to death.

Oh no you di'ent! coolio:deadmanny:

We don't have that many stabbings, when it happens its nationwide news for a long time.
Its illegal to carry a knife outside (even removing the packaging before you get home is stupid) and stabbings in London are rare compared to shootings in any region in your country. We can't stop evil humans from finding ways to kill to people, but we don't give them a helping hand i.e supplying murder weapons.


She's right though. The most run down areas in UK are still miles better than the ghettos in America.

If an area in London is getting run down to the point where it becomes too difficult to police, we just knock it all down and create a middle class area. I love this about London and I don't care if council houses go or that rents go up because that is way better than having a gangland on your doorstep.


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So how did you arrive at your conclusion? How can you say run down areas of the UK are "miles better" than the ghettos in America?

Statistics and crime rate. Less shootings and less homicides in UK.

I don't have to visit South side Chicago or Baltimore or Compton to know that I'd rather be in Brixton and Croydon.

These stats and crime rates are mostly inflated for the purpose of arming the police with military weapons and government aid. Just like any other mostly black populated neighborhoods in America. YES, there is crime there but it's grossly exaggerated.
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