Pres Deni visits the only Base left standing

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Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
From the Kacaan era, the 54th Base. Looter clans take note.


Waxaa aad ugu faraxsanahay inaan idinku soo booqano taliskii dhexe ee ciidamada oo ah taliskii aas-aaska u ahaa ciidamada Puntland, isla’markaana lagu aas-aasay Puntland, runtii waa goob taariikhi ah waa goob ka qayb qaadatay in aysan Puntland burburin, dadkeedu is haystaan ciidankeedu uusan marna kala tegin, waxaa farxad weyn ii ahayd in aan maanta soo kor meernay qalabkii 1991 uga dhacday Dowladdii Soomaaliya oo xataa matooradii weli xerada yaalaan oo ay shaqaynayaan”

Even matooradii are still there ee forget about the building while mudane @SomaliWadaniSoldier didnt even spare the copper wires
Puntites and looting does not go together, all government buildings were still standing when people returned to Puntland. Forget about the kacaan we have things still working fully in tact from the 40s and 50s like the fish processing plant in Qandala( protected by an honourable elderly man that passed away AUN) and a well built by the italians.
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