President Deni says money intended for Puntland has been getting stolen by the FGS for years

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“During his address, President Deni said that Puntland did not receive for years the required allocation from the International community's support destined to Somalia in the fight against terrorism.”

“I am deeply saddened to say that Puntland, where the country's sovereignty is protected has not received properly its allocated share of the military assistance for Somalia," said the president.”

Hmm maybe the president is looking to get direct aid instead of going through the corrupt black hole known as xamar.
"Puntland, where the country's sovereignty is protected"


Stop it Deni kkkk

Its gonna be a long 2 years for this guy :mjlol:

Let me show you in images;

Farmaajo in Mogadishu, the occupied land.


Farmaajo in SOVEREIGN Puntland

If god forbid, something major happened in Mogadishu, the Somali government would be welcomed in Puntland.

We are the last remaining sovereignty in Somalia and we are (foolishly) patriotic.
You people should be grateful we are still standing firm, if not, where the hell would the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Somali refugees go? To Ethiopia? Or in the Ocean?

President Deni should demand we get our aid directly.

Let me show you in images;

Farmaajo in Mogadishu, the occupied land.


Farmaajo in SOVEREIGN Puntland

If god forbid, something major happened in Mogadishu, the Somali government would be welcomed in Puntland.

We are the last remaining sovereignty in Somalia and we are (foolishly) patriotic.
You people should be grateful we are still standing firm, if not, where the hell would the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Somali refugees go? To Ethiopia? Or in the Ocean?

President Deni should demand we get our aid directly.

Do share what you smoking it's rather hallucinogenic

THE LAST SOVEREIGNTY :yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe:
Do share what you smoking it's rather hallucinogenic

THE LAST SOVEREIGNTY :yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe:

Let me help you; sovereign= possessing supreme or ultimate power

Puntland is free of foreign boots, free of foreign political meddling whereas Farmajo and Khayre are room mates in a Villa in Mogadishu, they can only control what side of the bed they sleep on.

They cannot even expel Burundi and whatever other African country set up shop in MOGADISHU. :gucciwhat:

By all means, keep giggling, I hear it's a coping mechanism.
Try to dispute my facts.


Puntland= 241 km2 (93 sq mi) FREE of foreigners.

Villa Mogadishu= How many square feet?

What facts

You claimed supreme power
Fact= you have none

You claimed ultimate power
Fact= you have none

You talked of foreign forces
Fact= Somalia had none till ur uncle AY (AUN) invited Ethiopians then subsequently led to AMiSOM

Now be a good girl, keep the kitchen clean, suck ur husband off every now and then and oh yh stay of drugs
What facts

You claimed supreme power
Fact= you have none

You claimed ultimate power
Fact= you have none

You talked of foreign forces
Fact= Somalia had none till ur uncle AY (AUN) invited Ethiopians then subsequently led to AMiSOM

Now be a good girl, keep the kitchen clean, suck ur husband off every now and then and oh yh stay of drugs

Miskeen :liberaltears:

You have NO facts, as I expected, so you resorted to childish comments.
Keep them coming.
What facts

You claimed supreme power
Fact= you have none

You claimed ultimate power
Fact= you have none

You talked of foreign forces
Fact= Somalia had none till ur uncle AY (AUN) invited Ethiopians then subsequently led to AMiSOM

Now be a good girl, keep the kitchen clean, suck ur husband off every now and then and oh yh stay of drugs
bila xishood:susp:
Miskeen :liberaltears:

You have NONE as I expected so you resorted to misogynist comments.
Keep them coming.

You wouldn't recognise facts even if it hit you on ur head

Naag wareersan oo danteyda gareynin deserves more misgynst comments but I'll spare you since u seem really daft


What facts

You claimed supreme power
Fact= you have none

You claimed ultimate power
Fact= you have none

You talked of foreign forces
Fact= Somalia had none till ur uncle AY (AUN) invited Ethiopians then subsequently led to AMiSOM

Now be a good girl, keep the kitchen clean, suck ur husband off every now and then and oh yh stay of drugs

Typical shameless boon Mx, why aren’t we surprised you talk like that? Oh right it’s because you are from the Ghetto.
@AarLibaax @PuntiteQueen

FGS = Benadir - Struggling with Hodan forget anywhere else like Dayniile
PL = SSC, Bari, Nugaal, and North Mudug - we see the SSC issues

Both PL and the FGS don't directly and/or militarily control the territory they each claim.
Apples & Oranges m8

Governance & the supremacy of the FGS is lost on some of you
Even if it only militarily controls 1 road (not achieved) FGS is legally the head of Somalia so it can do it's thing and also it's why we have seen @Farm's non stop shuban about the Farmajo admin


@AarLibaax @PuntiteQueen

FGS = Benadir - Struggling with Hodan forget anywhere else like Dayniile
PL = SSC, Bari, Nugaal, and North Mudug - we see the SSC issues

Both PL and the FGS don't directly and/or militarily control the territory they each claim.

The two aren’t even comparable and equating them is absolutely ridiculous.

(The yellow inside the red is what the FGS controls, and I’m being rather generous)


This is all they could control with billions in foreign aid and 22k+ foreign boots on the ground with damn near daily US drone strikes.

While this what the people of PL control with no foreign backing and very little aid.

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