President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's Achievements

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Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo ah hogaamiye leh aragti siyaasadeed oo cad iyo qorshe fulineed oo ku aadan xal u helida dhibaatooyinka siyaasadeed, dhaqaale iyo bulsho ee hortaagan dawladnimadeenna waxa uu soo bandhigay 6 qodob oo aasaas u ah dib u yagleelidda dawlad Somaaliyeed oo hana qaad ah oo ka baxda kumeel gaarnimada. Qodobadaa lixda ah waxa ay noqdeen kuwa loo riyaaqay oo si weyn looga soo dhaweeyay dalka gudihiisa iyo dibadiisa.

Afar sano kadibna waxa suura gashay in Madaxweyne Xasan uu ku guuleysto hirgelinta siyaasado iyo qorshayaal badan oo ku qotoma qodobadaa lixda ah, taa oo saameyn ballaaran oo mug leh ku yeelatay xasiloonida iyo horumarka ka hirgalay dalka mudadaa kooban. Haddaba waxaan si taxana ah oo kooban mid mid halkaan ugu soo bandhigigeynaa muuqguulo ka hadlaya guulahii ka dhashay hirgelinta qodobadaa lixda ah ee kala ah:

Tiirka 1aad
Xasilinta Dalka iyo Sarreynta Sharciga

Tiirka 2aad
Dib u habaynta iyo kobcinta dhaqaalaha dalka

Tiirka 3aad
Nabadaynta iyo dib u Heshiisiinta

Tiirka 4aad
Dib U Habaynta iyo soo nooleynta adeegyada Bulshada

Tiirka 5aad
Midnimada iyo Wadajirka Ummada Soomaaliyeed

Tiirka 6aad
Ilaalinta iyo Dhaqangelinta Xiriirada Caalamiga ee Siyaasada Arrimaha Dibada



Gaalkacyo Gangster
- Re-appointed the guy who sold our waters in the first place as PM
- Expanded the presence of FUFUSOM in Somalia
- Greatly increased Ethiopian influence in Somalia and it's affairs
- Has allowed drought to ravage the northern regions with little help
From that list 4 and particularly 6 he has done very well, in fact 6 is his greatest achievement and better then any government since the civil war.

5 & 2 are great propaganda hog wash, those are his worst, 5 in particular is dreadful, his own Abtiyaal's ended up cursing him in public, and his own kin distanced themselves from him, his way of bringing people together was through bribery, his actions brought clan discourse back.

Strategy wise in terms of group, none is on par with damul jadiid, I had first hand experience with their politics, and there is still a big chance they will win tomorrow, a lot of the candidate are undercover damul jadiid to eat up opposition votes.

Example is the deputy speaker election, everyone was focused on Farah Abdul Qadir & make sure he doesn't win but the other dude that won is a closet damul jadiid too that hardly many people know off, it was classic Damul Jadiid Zionist like controlled opposition giving the illusion of choice.

I can go on with entire paragraphs, but the close sources in Xamar firmly believe that there is no way this group is going to be defeated, they have ties everywhere, with all federal states, most of their votes will come from P/land and even Kulmiye are their allies after he exposed them in the aqalka sare fiasco.

I am even convinced Jawaari is in on it, the entire opposition is around the Jazeera hotel area, and the word is that they are highly paranoid about infiltration of Damul Jadiiid, some MP's were sent packing as a result, they got eyes and ears most places, probably got the whole place bugged out paying off the owners.

Let's not forget what they did in Galmudug defeating Turkish backed Fiqhe and the Ethiopian backed Ceyr candidate and got their man Guleed through the door, Ethiopia had no choice but to force Ahlu Sunnah to do her own conference. HMS back then was more pro UAE but switched sides since he realised the TPLF can bring his whole house crashing.

We will see tomorrow, it's the entire opposition against a single Damul Jadiid candidate, we will see tomorrow.
When there's a car bomb every month and A.S. still has strongholds in many parts how did actually accomplish anything?
In your primitive clannish outlook, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud might not have accomplished anything.

However, in the eyes of the International Community and the vast majority of Somali people, both in and outside of Somalia, he is hailed as the first Somali president to end the civil war and defeat anti-peace/anti-state elements.

Al Shabab has been defeated; law, democracy, federalism & unity have been established in more than 80% of country.


-He has developed key government institutions and the military is maturing.


From 4,000 SFG troops in 2012(before HSM) to 33,000 fully paid SFG troops across the country.

-Mogadishu,our capital, went from the most dangerous city in world to the world's second fastest growing city in the world, something never witnessed in the 50+ years Somalia has been an independent nation, all in the space of less than four years, thanks to President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

- The president is credited for all of this and none of these facts go unnoticed. Major world players& key regional investors are flocking to Mogadishu to re-establish diplomatic relations with Somalia, for the first time in almost 30 years.




If President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, walks out of Villa Somalia tomorrow, he leaves behind a truly remarkable legacy & a nation.
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Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
- Re-appointed the guy who sold our waters in the first place as PM
- Expanded the presence of FUFUSOM in Somalia
- Greatly increased Ethiopian influence in Somalia and it's affairs
- Has allowed drought to ravage the northern regions with little help

Collaborates with AS on the daily.
Everything was handing to him on a [stainless steel] platter. SS and AY did most of the work for the SFG.

1.) He only brought in more foreign """help"""

2.) Let's be honest he doesn't see very bright. Every time he shakes another presidents hand he looks more like fangirl than the head of a nation, and were surprised others want to take advantage?:ileycry:

Of course everyone else is happy with him, they want Somalia to remain at its status quo :ivers:
- Re-appointed the guy who sold our waters in the first place as PM
Not true, HSM appointed multiple PMs before the IC appointed this traitor.
If HSM had the chance to appoint him after firing multiple PMs, do you not think he would have appointed a man who agrees with him/supports him?
- Expanded the presence of FUFUSOM in Somalia
Hassan Sheikh did not invite AMISOM, they were present long before he became a president and they will leave once they help train a Somali National Force which is completely capable of eradicating Al Shaydaan from all of the few territories they control in Somalia.

- Greatly increased Ethiopian influence in Somalia and it's affairs
Explain how?

- Has allowed drought to ravage the northern regions with little help

Here is Pres. HSM urging all Somalis to help drought victims.

Ultimately it is up-to regional administrations to deal with drought issues, take a note from Galmudug, which is doing a perfect job in combating the drought, without outside help.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Xassan shiekh the first Somali president to set foot in the disputed land of Somali region that's being occupied by Ethiopia effectively endorsing xabashi ownership of the Somali people's land.

The only Somali president to send hawiye girls to work as maids in Saudi Arabia.

Strategy wise in terms of group, none is on par with damul jadiid, I had first hand experience with their politics, and there is still a big chance they will win tomorrow, a lot of the candidate are undercover damul jadiid to eat up opposition votes.
We will see tomorrow, it's the entire opposition against a single Damul Jadiid candidate, we will see tomorrow.
Qabyo qofkeeda ayaa dhameystira
:dj: :dj:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Do you have any proof they were sold against their will?

"hawiye girls"
do you have any proof they were exclusively "hawiye girls"?

If the answers are no, please kindly exit the thread and stop derailing with nonsense.
Do you mean to tell me Hassan controls puntland & somaliland? Cause they both rejected to send girls to Saudia Arabia & categorically stated that this only concerned the regime in Mogadishu after all Hassan doesn't even fully control hawiye territory with the help of AMISOM troops Forget about controlling the rest of the country.

They don't know no better the young girls being sent there but you & I both know Saudia Arabia track record when it comes to human rights. How does it make you feel knowing somewhere in Saudi Arabia a Somali maid is getting violated thanks to your idol Hassan shiekh :wow:
Do you mean to tell me Hassan controls puntland & somaliland? Cause they both rejected to send girls to Saudia Arabia & categorically stated that this only concerned the regime in Mogadishu after all Hassan doesn't even fully control hawiye territory with the help of AMISOM troops Forget about controlling the rest of the country.

They don't know no better the young girls being sent there but you & I both know Saudia Arabia track record when it comes to human rights. How does it make you feel knowing somewhere in Saudi Arabia a Somali maid is getting violated thanks to your idol Hassan shiekh :wow:

Answer these two questions.

1) Do you have any proof they were sold against their will?

2) Do you have any proof they were exclusively "hawiye girls"?

If not door's that way. :icon arrow:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Answer these two questions.

1) Do you have any proof they were sold against their will?

2) Do you have any proof they were exclusively "hawiye girls"?

If not door's that way. :icon arrow:
You support a man who sold Somali girls to Saudi men while every other country in the world refused to send their girls :susp:
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