President Hassan Sheikh & Sheikh Sharif will settle their differences today


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
You really enjoy fkd bro, gives you that extra energy on the road :mjlol:
That extra 5k dollar a week is boosting me shitting on my former slave @Jungle his adonti hobyo sultan ali Yusuf kenaadid gumeesan jireey manta ayu afka igu tageey ๐Ÿ˜‚ nin adunyo joogow maxa aragti ku laban my former slave want to compete with me in somalia politicsโ€ฆ.


Laandhere laandhere dhaleey ban ah haye ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฑ dameerki ๐Ÿซ an dansan jireey ba tahay isku xishow ๐Ÿ˜‚
You a sad nigga warya its funny both you and @Thegoodshepherd have resorted to stating your subclans because you're irrelevant in politics as a collective

That extra 5k dollar a week is boosting me shitting on my former slave @Jungle his adonti hobyo sultan ali Yusuf kenaadid gumeesan jireey manta ayu afka igu tageey ๐Ÿ˜‚ nin adunyo joogow maxa aragti ku laban my former slave want to compete with me in somalia politicsโ€ฆ.
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Majerteen oo la yirahdo galgale oo maanta Nuux Maxamud Salebaan la baxay aad soo dhoweyseen aa aniga midgaanteeyda aheed boqolaal sano eboow markaa ku lee ahay goob aan joogo kama hadlikartid waa tan oo kale


HSM failed epically. Heโ€™s losing allies by the day. Heโ€™s lost HG, now heโ€™s been reduced to Mudulood, meeshaas ayuu miciin biday. But of course, for people like @Jungle who think Somalia is inta Kaaraan iyo Masaajid Cali Guduuud u dhexeyso they wonโ€™t see this as a problem. Ha biqlayso


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
You a sad nigga warya its funny both you and @Thegoodshepherd have resorted to stating your subclans because you're irrelevant in politics as a collective

Majerteen oo la yirahdo galgale oo maanta Nuux Maxamud Salebaan la baxay aad soo dhoweyseen aa aniga midgaanteeyda aheed boqolaal sano eboow markaa ku lee ahay goob aan joogo kama hadlikartid waa tan oo kale

If all Somalis agree and I disagree, taydaa soconaysa. Ninkii iga dheer ha iga dul boodo.
We will clip Culusowโ€™s wings. Two years of non-stop sandbagging.


If all Somalis agree and I disagree, taydaa soconaysa. Ninkii iga dheer ha iga dul boodo.
We will clip Culusowโ€™s wings. Two years of non-stop sandbagging.
Waa yahay waa ishor fadhina hadaa nahay abgaal iyo mj cidi rayso aan aragno ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด kaas aan wataa xaa lugu dhahaa adigu :drakelaugh: aawi iljeexdi aad sheegi jirteen, oroda isbasheysi sameysta labadiina:mjlol:'no more abgaal' qofkii laga maqlo xamar xabad aa afka laga geylihaa markaan


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
He is not serious. We all heading back to afisiyooni in 2026.
Inshallah. canโ€™t have meeting in xamar without qarax mixed into the politics of any meeting that takes place. Politically motivated attacks. Xalwadle made the right decision.


He is not serious. We all heading back to afisiyooni in 2026.
Adiga afkaaga naga qabso sxb goobtaan dadkii somalia garteeda goynaaye aa hadlooyo afisooni hadii la tago xaad hele adigo ah reer dayniile? I'm not singling you out you are in the same boat as dozens of others:mjlol:

