Like I said, you're a fucking coward.
@The Cushitic One Insult my clan all you like, but I didn't make the thread
We all know why you're scared
Only coward here is you, Horta
Shouldn't you be off dissing
Ur alleged sub clan SM again?
The first nigga to diss
His own sub sub clan on spot
she is idoor, her mun is Swedish though,
most idoors in london are with tyrones, then followed usually by harti chicks, these 3 love foreing man even when they are non musilm,
I'm not the one bringing up HA when MJ's were pilling up on your folks.
Worry about yours, and I'll worry about mine.
How can you talk about Issaq
Being with tyrones, when ur
Not even from London
Issaq girls marry within the
Clan, everything else is
Fake news
Her father is HA which makes her
She is your cousin somaha?
The rest of Issaq don't need to be
Talkin the L
Also @Cumar
U need to do a better job of
Defending HA otherwise
I wouldn't have step in
Cos of your cowardice
I don't need or want porcupines defending me.
Ok Oromo boy, the Issaq even
Believes your Issaq on this site
Horta you keep mentioning and
Quoting me - why you riding off
My clout for?
You will always be