Project 2025: Recognize Somaliland

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
"Trump’s Potential Plan to Recognize Somaliland

A new document comprising 900 pages and prepared by members and supporters of the Republican Party reveals that if Donald Trump wins the upcoming election, he plans to recognize Somaliland within the first hundred days of his presidency. This recognition would involve presenting Somaliland to the United Nations as a candidate for membership, according to the report. The proposed move is seen as a response to Djibouti's refusal to remove the Chinese military base from its territory, with Trump aiming to use Somaliland as a strategically advantageous alternative. CNN has learned that at least 140 individuals who worked under Trump’s administration were involved in creating Project 2025. The initiative is intended to overhaul the executive branch, as reported last week by CNN. However, Trump has dismissed Project 2025 as a fabrication. In a statement posted on his social media platform TruthSocial, he claimed that the project does not exist and that the details presented are unrealistic, calling them "laughable.""

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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

(btw just to be honest... there is controversy as to how associated with Project 2025 Trump actually is... but Project 2025 does indeed propose recognizing Somaliland- page 186)


What? Bro Djibouti has no power to remove China but at the same time why would America feel threatened when A) that is the only foreign base China has made or intends to make and B) Djibouti is filled with nations allied with USA and its interest. Project 2025 make no sense but I can't be surprised when the Trump administration is run like a circus.

Furthermore the only source on the matter is a Ethiopian ""news"" site which I'm skeptical about.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
What? Bro Djibouti has no power to remove China but at the same time why would America feel threatened when A) that is the only foreign base China has made or intends to make and B) Djibouti is filled with nations allied with USA and its interest. Project 2025 make no sense but I can't be surprised when the Trump administration is run like a circus.

Furthermore the only source on the matter is a Ethiopian ""news"" site which I'm skeptical about.

this is from page 186 of Project 2025


now- whether Trump actually would follow Project 2025, and the extent to which he would- that is another thing. I have no idea either way as far as how much he'll actually act in line with it. but there's no doubt that recognizing Somaliland is part of Project 2025.


this is from page 186 of Project 2025

View attachment 336194

now- whether Trump actually would follow Project 2025, and the extent to which he would- that is another thing. I have no idea either way as far as how much he'll actually act in line with it. but there's no doubt that recognizing Somaliland is part of Project 2025.
Knowing Trump he'll put a lot of project 2025 into the bin. Domestic politics would probably be implemented but large scale stuff like this, which just looks like the US needlessly antagonizing nations, may get dropped. That being said if it does go through the shock waves will ne huge, there are hundreds of thousands of defacto self governing regions that would line up at the USA's door. This is a sort of pandora's box situation

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Knowing Trump he'll put a lot of project 2025 into the bin. Domestic politics would probably be implemented but large scale stuff like this, which just looks like the US needlessly antagonizing nations, may get dropped. That being said if it does go through the shock waves will ne huge, there are hundreds of thousands of defacto self governing regions that would line up at the USA's door. This is a sort of pandora's box situation

I don't think Trump actually really has any set principles. I think what project 2025 represents is... well it's the work of a conservative thinktank, right... so I believe basically that it is a set of policies that the conservatives around him will lobby him for... and given that Trump himself imo has no actual real values or principles.... I don't think he'll implement every single sentence and punchation mark of project 2025 but I would guess he might implement a lot of it

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
seems this thread has brought the separatists out of the woodwork

here at #teamKamala we are proud Somaliweyn patriots

step 1: stand with #Momala

step 2: achieve Somaliweyn




"Trump’s Potential Plan to Recognize Somaliland

A new document comprising 900 pages and prepared by members and supporters of the Republican Party reveals that if Donald Trump wins the upcoming election, he plans to recognize Somaliland within the first hundred days of his presidency. This recognition would involve presenting Somaliland to the United Nations as a candidate for membership, according to the report. The proposed move is seen as a response to Djibouti's refusal to remove the Chinese military base from its territory, with Trump aiming to use Somaliland as a strategically advantageous alternative. CNN has learned that at least 140 individuals who worked under Trump’s administration were involved in creating Project 2025. The initiative is intended to overhaul the executive branch, as reported last week by CNN. However, Trump has dismissed Project 2025 as a fabrication. In a statement posted on his social media platform TruthSocial, he claimed that the project does not exist and that the details presented are unrealistic, calling them "laughable.""

View attachment 336187
Why would Trump care about the Zoo, this is silly, Somalia being the way it is right now serves US interests the most
Both the hatred for and love of somaliland doesn't count at all in the grand matter of things. It is the cold calculating and analysis of interests that get considered. And at the end of the day to the powers that be decision is executed. And so if somaliland fits this bill nothing the konfurians can do will stop it same as on the other hand if it doesn't landers cries and aspirations will come to naught.
If Somaliland was to ever gain independence (which I doubt it would.) then it would cause a ripple effect in the rest of the country also causing them to seek independence. The reality is the likelihood of independence happening is extremely slim.
It either will never happen or SL will be used like an condom by IDF striking the Houthis from close area.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
If Somaliland was to ever gain independence (which I doubt it would.) then it would cause a ripple effect in the rest of the country also causing them to seek independence. The reality is the likelihood of independence happening is extremely slim.
If everybody else wants to split too maybe the country shouldn’t exist in the first place :trumpsmirk: #Trump2024


Why would Trump care about the Zoo, this is silly, Somalia being the way it is right now serves US interests the most
iirc this was drafted a year or so before the SSC war.

SL is already missing half of the secession equation, losing the other half(defined territory) means this entire idea is dead on arrival.