Proof that the 'new atheists' are multi-nicks...

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Out of boredom, I was trying to figure out whether there's a correlation between the times that these 'new atheists' come online and post. I was actually going to design a Walsh diagram lmao. I tried doing this by checking the times that they've made their first and last posts in the past few days. Although this task was unsuccessful since one of their crucial members have been banned recently, I've found something interesting nonetheless.

How recently did you leave the faith?
This is @JohnDoe asking @54321 how recently they've 'left the faith'.


The question is, how does this individual know that she left the faith 'recently'? Because she has made a thread about it a while back. This 'new atheist' has certainly read this thread and is thus not a 'new member'. The last person to post on that thread was metamorphosis which happened on the 10th. JohnDoe has registered on the 17th... Link:

Also notice how the other 'new atheists' only come online to contribute when they're needed. Just look at the time and date @supz last posted and the thread that he has posted on.

In reality, there are no more than 4 atheists on this forum (excluding agnostics of course). You can take my word for it.

I apologise if I made any grammatical or spelling mistakes, or if this text was incoherent. I'm really tired right now.


Why do I even both with this. I thought you were done with this forum?

I've been a member here on SS for over a month, is it really hard to fathom that my fellow apostates already got the 411 on what went down here? Relevant threads and pointing out other apostates like 54321? I've already mentioned over and over again that there is a certain group chat that exists, and I've invited any brave folks here to join our debate room (I think John already made a thread about it), nobody has taken up the offer.

Sooooo this multi-nicking conspiracy? You need to cuuuuuut it. :camby:

I read at a rate of 450wpm. Don't you think I'd be capable of skimming through hundreds of unsophisticated posts within a small time-frame? Besides, I memorise almost everything effortlessly, it's not my fault.

Lol u make me laugh. There are no multiple accounts, your brain just can't accept the fact that there are that many Atheist Somali's and counting. It's allg tho, I wanna keep reading your theories you indulge most of your time on.
Lol, that is hilarious. we actually come from a group chat. It's fine though, i've given up on trying to debate. I actually would be happy if god existed. Actually, I would prefer it. It would take load off. Heaven actually sounds enticing...
Lol, that is hilarious. we actually come from a group chat. It's fine though, i've given up on trying to debate. I actually would be happy if god existed. Actually, I would prefer it. It would take load off. Heaven actually sounds enticing...
Being from a particular group chat cannot explain 'your friend'/alternative nick slipping up. By the way, can you invite me to this mysterious 'group chat'?
Don't give any attention to the little people.
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