Proof that war is just a business in Africa

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So Burundi is sending more troops to Somalia as peacekeepers but their own country is experiencing so much violence that nearly a quarter of a million people have fled to other countries. Now the UN is considering sending peacekeepers to Burundi WTF - Their troops should be securing their own country first and foremost! I guess AU pay is just too tantalising!

Al Jazeera:

The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution strongly condemning increasing killings, torture and human rights violations in Burundi and threatening possible sanctions against those contributing to the violence.

The vote on Thursday followed an urgent call by international leaders for a meeting of Burundi's government and opposition amid fears the country is at risk of a Rwanda-like genocide.

The resolution asked Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to deploy a team to Burundi to work with the government, African Union and other partners to "develop options to address political and security concerns".

"The Security Council must fully embrace its role of prevention... and not let the genie of ethnic violence out of the bottle," French Ambassador Francois Delattre told reporters.

Matthew Rycroft, British ambassador to the UN, described Thursday's resolution as "an important step forward".

He added: "It sends a united signal to all parties in Burundi to engage in dialogue and refrain from inciting violence."

Growing fears

Meanwhile, a joint statement by the UN, EU and AU on Thursday called for a meeting of representatives of Burundi's government and opposition in Addis Ababa, where the AU is based, or Kampala, Uganda’s capital. A regional bloc has nominated Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to mediate the crisis, but the talks have not started.

The joint statement warned of "the threat for many more lives and a deep regional crisis" and said the organizations agreed to "work closely together and to mobilize all our means and instruments to prevent a further deterioration of the situation".

At least 240 people have been killed since President Pierre Nkurunziza launched a controversial bid to prolong his term in office in April. More than 210,000 people have fled the country since then.

France took the lead on Monday by circulating the draft resolution, which threatens sanctions against Burundian leaders who incite attacks or impede peace efforts.

But a final draft released on Wednesday was watered down, stating instead the council was prepared to consider "appropriate measures" without specifying if targeted sanctions were on the table.

The amendments were to address concerns from Russia and some African countries that sanctions would not be helpful to efforts to prevent a bloodbath.

UN officials are drawing up plans to rush peacekeepers from the Democratic Republic of Congo to the landlocked central African country if the violence spirals out of control.

The 20,000-strong Monusco force in the Democratic Republic of Congo is backed up by a rapid-reaction brigade made up of elite troops from South Africa, Malawi, and Tanzania that could also be deployed.

African force

Another possibly more likely scenario is to dispatch a regional African force.

"The use of Monusco assets and personnel has been mentioned as one possible option," said a UN spokesman for peacekeeping. "While this is ultimately a matter for the Security Council to decide, a regional coalition would be well-placed to provide a rapid and credible response if the situation in Burundi worsens."

US President Barack Obama, in a phone call with South African President Jacob Zuma on Wednesday, expressed "deep concern" about the situation in Burundi, the White House said.

Obama asked Zuma "to continue to work with other regional actors to call for calm and press for a dialogue that can bring about a long-term solution to the crisis", the White House said in a statement.


Masaakiin weeye Burundians. I hope a war doesn't break out and that the dictator Nkurunziza is replaced to prevent one, it's that simple.
I hope they have a genocide so they can leave our country alone. These parasites are on the verge of having a genocide similar to the Rwandan genocide in the early 1990s and they are still sending their troops to our country. I think Alshabab should behead Hassan shaikh and everyone in the and women and child and anyone who is remotely involved and do the same too all foreign stooges. Examples should be made of the current traitors...all of them so the next wave of Somali politicians think very hard and long before cutting contracts with foreigners.


Al Shabaab also love foreigners, half of them are courting the savages of Arabia to come and behead all our Sheikhs and blow up all our hotels and government buildings. Something happened to Somali people - maybe its the despair from the long war but we've morphed into the most anti Somali people, even the UN care more about Somalia than its politicians and community leaders.
@Shamis I agree with you and I would never want alshabab to rule Somalia..not even for a day. They are weaponized and used by the Arabs to spread their evil terrorism. Terrorism is an Arab invention not a Muslim invention because they were the first to use the blow yourself up tactic and it is still predominantly used by them. People needs to know this and should not believe all muslims do the same thing.

Back to the topic...Somalia gave birth to how many armed movements? More than a dozen and not a single one of them was out to protect the people and the land. Not one! The place is filled with corrupt and individuals who are for sale. We were asked to choose between two evils..AS who behead people for misplaced suspicions and confiscate lands and wealth, and Amisom who rape and exploit young girls and who are there to get rich and in the process steal any resource they can get. We were supposed to be left with one of the evils but we have both! We have Alshabab and AMISOM both in the same country and both doing everything they can to kill and loot the people. That is why I think we should teach the politicians a lesson they should never forget.

If it were up to me I will order the killing of all politicians in the government irrespective of age and gender and keep the bodies and release the bodies to the public all at once telling them anyone who makes one deal that does not benefit Somalia with a foreign country will meet the same fate swiftly. There should be no remorse or second guessing on how they should be dealt with..swift death! This would fix the corruption would definitely eradicate those who are there for personal gain. This would create the space and vacuum that genuine leaders would fill.


I would not cry a single tear if they all died, but killing them won't solve anything because there are a thousand opportunists who are ready to exploit Somalia and take their place. What we need is big business and a prominent, powerful community. It falls on us to be successful so that they have someone to stand up to them. Money talks, the government will kill a little kid they framed for being in Al Shabaab to appease the donors - Somalia needs a more powerful spotlight on it and sadly it can't be a local or poor person seeing as their they're seen as disposable.
If everyone one who is known to embezzle money, cut deals that don't benefit Somalia and Somalis with foreigners, brings in untrained barbarian Merceneries from hell holes of Africa and sells Somali resources were to be killed one would dare come to office and continue that practice. Punishment is the only known motivator and Somalis known nothing else. Kill the president and replace him and if the new president is found to do the same things then kill him too and replace him until we either ran out of people or a good person come to take charge.
I hope they have a genocide so they can leave our country alone. These parasites are on the verge of having a genocide similar to the Rwandan genocide in the early 1990s and they are still sending their troops to our country. I think Alshabab should behead Hassan shaikh and everyone in the and women and child and anyone who is remotely involved and do the same too all foreign stooges. Examples should be made of the current traitors...all of them so the next wave of Somali politicians think very hard and long before cutting contracts with foreigners.
Your admiration for Alshabab has been noted.
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