He has good chance this guy. Dal jog weeye waana qof aad loo ixtiramsan dhinaca dadku oo dadku isku keeni kara which is what is critically missing in alot of Puntland candidates, ma aha dad oo sharaf ku leh shacabka gudahisa dee. I am gonna watch his speech and see what his plans are. But it's clear that PL two sections rule. 'military' such as yey-cade and waxgarads farole-gaas.
The cycle could return back to military because 'security' is the most critical thing in Puntland sxb. You need a security focused administration and someone who knows the military. All presidencies in the world is like that it's always either their 'waxgarads or military background' who become president. Only in Hamar ayay ka dhacday nin 'ngo' hassan sheikh inu madax noqdo lakin meeshasi waa iska aborigine waa lala yaabo ma aha.
Notice at the 26:17 mark that white woman in there plus that white guy with cameras. This guy could be the real 'deal' candidate that the kings should be very very concerned about if they are to retain their 'spot' for 2019. Ha noo keenina nin is-xul ah raggow ama muse suldan and all these langaabs. The osman mahmoud candidates are 'too many' sxb and that's always bad thing, way ku kala jabayan codadka and in the end get a minimal amount like happened to hassan sheikh iyo abgaalki dhan wada tartarmaye. We need one strong candidate like Sicid dheere oo sumcadasi leh shacabka gudahisa oo dal jog ah oo aan qurbo jog ahayn.