Puntland accuses FGS of blocking their access to IC projects



Hilarious. Good luck not ‘needing FGS’. Your complaints fall on death ears.

This follows from PL Minister Caydiid complaining IC won’t engage with them and tell them to go through the FGS

The sad future of PL. HSM has treated PL lightly in fact, he could make matters a lot worse and get Galmudug to ban any trading north of Galkayo. He could also charge every flight headed to PL an extra commission :manny: why just on khat and not food too


I swear that picture of all the ministers will be used by me forever @DR OSMAN

What an L this is. In fact they were better off not saying anything and pretending to be tough. HSM has really defeated y’all bad. Look at those faces. Why in the world did you think the IC would choose PL over the rich South. America, Gulf, Turkey are all desperate for those natural resources contracts. Everything, from IMF debt relief to World bank projects, new loans, revenue sharing, constitution will be done without y’all



PL MP says we are the only MPs that don’t represent their state. Whenever we ask for projects, PL leaders say they only represent PL and not the MPs in Xamar so how can PL get FGS projects if their federal MPs are backlisted from PL.

Walee this woman is very smart, we need her as leader of PL.


Puntland ayaa ku eedeysey Dowladd Federaalka in ay 'isbaaro' u dhigatay mashaariicda horumarineed ee beesha caalamku ku taageeerto Soomaaliya, iyada oo la sheegey in aan wax mashaariic ah Puntland soo gaadhin inta uu hoggaanka hayo Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh - Sidaasi waxa laga sheegey shir uu madaxweyne Deni la yeeshey qaar kamid ah wasiirradiisa ku shaqada leh mashaariicda.

May be an image of 7 people

SFG Senator Views​

Sareedo Mohamed Hassan Jeyte

Mashaariicda arimaha bulshada yaan la siyaasadayn.

Xildhibaanka dawladda federalka soo aada markuu halkaan yimaado stateku waxay dhahaan adigaa is matala marka sidee la nooga filanayaa inaan dad la mid noqono oo wax soo dhicinno oo u dagaalanno deegaankeenna iyo dadkiisa maba haysto garab iyo gaashaan toone.

Dhamaan satate yada soomaaliya xildhibaano baa ku matala dawladda federaalka laakin Puntland madaxwayne walba oo yimaada wuxuu yiraahdaa aniga mooyaane cid kale oo PL matasha ma jirto hadhow baa lagu oranayaa maxaad PL kusoo celisay oo maxaan soo celiyaa state aan matalo meesha maba joogee xamar waan iska joogaa uun sida aan ognahayna PL meel qof aqoon leh uu shaqo ka waayo ma ahan.

maanta waxaa xaniban dhamaan madhaariicdii dadwaynaha PL anfacsan jireen waxayna rabaan hogaanka PL in la soo daayo midii ayaga jeebkooda wax u taraysay bal midda bulshada wax u taraysay fasaxa oo macalimiinta qaata oo mashruucii biyaha sii daaya oo kii caafimaadka sii daaya markaas kaalaya kistiina qaata.

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At least PL govt is using the correct words. Isbaaro Mashariceed, this is purely the SFG using it's signature power to with-hold international allocated projects to Puntland. This is no different to what aideed did to baydhabo and the humanitarian aid isbaaro.

The sad thing is, PL oo og tarikhdasi humanitarian aid isbaaro oo baydhabo ku dhacay, why in the world they cede their international development aid to be approved by a 4th world trusteeship govt? That is what suprises me the most. This important task should never of been ceded or shared with the SFG untill constitution is finalized and ratified by PL govt.


Bantu Liberation Movement
It's good that they blocked it, it needs to be widely circulated. Puntland is a democratic region and you are the most corrupt in the world. One's word carries more weight.
View attachment 286773

Hilarious. Good luck not ‘needing FGS’. Your complaints fall on death ears.

This follows from PL Minister Caydiid complaining IC won’t engage with them and tell them to go through the FGS

The sad future of PL. HSM has treated PL lightly in fact, he could make matters a lot worse and get Galmudug to ban any trading north of Galkayo. He could also charge every flight headed to PL an extra commission :manny: why just on khat and not food too

PL is defacto independent as independent as Somaliland isn't that right @DR OSMAN you should be happy you get a shate of the seats/money from the government that only taxes/controls Muqdisho and other areas south of Gaalkacyo


It's good that they blocked it, it needs to be widely circulated. Puntland is a democratic region and you are the most corrupt in the world. One's word carries more weight.
IC blocked it not us. The way IC projects work is they go to FGS then FMS.

You are the one’s that cut ties so why not stick to your decision :manny: protects for Somalia are for FMS’s that work with the government of Somalia. IC won’t bypass the FGS which is understandable as Xamar is much more important to them.

Y’all need some classes on realpolitik
So many so called projects, lets see if they even get their money. The UN food programme is missing 70% of it's funding goal to stave off the famine and you really think these projects will all reach their funding goals and be completed. There's dozens of these planned projects littered around Africa and then the money never arrives and they never begin.

@bidenkulaha is one of the most out of touch users on here, I don't think he realizes southern Somalia is still a shithole with Al-S actively recruiting thousands of troops and controlling swathes of land still. Who in their right mind is putting hundreds of millions into a country that has thousands of extremists running around. You live in lalala land.


So many so called projects, lets see if they even get their money. The UN food programme is missing 70% of it's funding goal to stave off the famine and you really think these projects will all reach their funding goals and be completed. There's dozens of these planned projects littered around Africa and then the money never arrives and they never begin.

@bidenkulaha is one of the most out of touch users on here, I don't think he realizes southern Somalia is still a shithole with Al-S actively recruiting thousands of troops and controlling swathes of land still. Who in their right mind is putting hundreds of millions into a country that has thousands of extremists running around. You live in lalala land.
You don’t need to @ me in my own thread, clogging up my mentions eww but


This is a good start.

PL govt will manage the following economic development stages

1. Tender/Bidding process
2. Project Coordination/Management
3. Project Delivery stages

I argue they should execute the PL economic independence clause in the SFG Constitution and PL constitution which all sides have to honor or else nothing is legal in Mogadishu if they don't honor the whole constitution as it is. This can allow PL govt direct access to world partners without That 4th world Mogadishu trusteeship government involvement untill the constitution is finalized on 'both' sides.