Puntland begins counterterrorism operation against ISIS and Al-Shabab

This is an Embarassing War for PL. ISIS a bunch of islamist thugs who named themselves as the leaders of Muslim yet noone in Islam did, bring 1000 boys and say we r here to test ur battle credential and it's taking this long?

The shame is on PL, it should be wrapped up quick, arrests made and deportations(nice try ikhwaan even tho Syria fell to ur political side of the coin(turki backed ikhwaani), their now offloading syria and iraq terrorist to test the waters in PL)

This should've been wrapped up in a week, and them hosted to PL culture so(you poison them with good treatment when sent back home so they dont accept orders from Ikhwaan or Israel) about our gobanimo.

The Turki, Qatar, Egypt all ikhwaanis who wants al Islah n dam jadid and hawiye n abdiqasim(Sal balaar retired in his master homeland) to rule Somalia. They want Khaleej under Qatar.
How is embarrassing when PL is the first entity to defeat daaeesh?

The new generation puntites needs this to learn why after itihad wars & Union of Islamic courts our generation volontary joined the ranks for this generation to learn the hard way of SSDF the guul ama geeri way.

Understand you a kacaan offsprings but majority of us are not. PL ama MJ have fought for a century we won't give up now & it's not an embarrassment for us. The support for our our neo SSDF puntite troops have never been higher.

My uncles & awoowes who were first generation SSDF ennvy the level of support our PDF PMPF gets today.
Abdillahi Yusuf only cut a deal with alitihaad as the warlord threat and state collapse was more priority and told them only stay in business and academic circles which was closely monitored also.

These Khawarij know they self elected themselves while no Muslim recognize them and want to use fear and your current challenges and create their interest or who they want to win Somalia.

These ppl should remain in the hawiye theater who are the more accepting of any madness globally not PL. This a a huge escalation by Ikhwaan as they think PL is easy to capture and help HSM and SL by establishing terrorist in our mountain for future irir n djibouti offensives.

Enuff is Enuff Deni as you didnt inherit anything like what Abdillahi Yusuf did, smoke this cats out quickly and get rid of these khawarij in the South and North also and re establish Somalia from the East like it was thru SYL.
Don't lie on AY he never cut a deal on was on the saalid frontlines he was born a fighter he not only destroyed kacan regime but also alitihad & maxakimta. He destroyed idoor at battle of arricadeye & chased the dhabo qodi militias passed Erigavo to Ceel af weyn.

AY defended our southern borders freed Bari region from itihad supplied his own subclan to control hutus build PDF to invade & establish SFG in south before that uniting & helping raxanweyn free their lands.

Today his offsprings have Godod Gacnafaale ceel bardale iyo deegaano badan kaa haysano dacas.

Put respect to his name yaa kacan dhalad!
Mudug & Nugaal forces won't move further until these Bari boys show us the way.

We're now entering jungle tropic lands our boys can't fight there we waiting for our osman Karkaar boys to clear the way for mudug & qalocan nugaal troops to get to these International filth. The whole operation needs rests on the great Karkaar bros to carry the fight that is outside qardho/Karkaar border. We're camel headers famous hutu/idoor slayers we haven't fought in mountains or seas since SSDF but remember dhul maxmuud salebaan lama haysan karo. CS show us the way webbehind you!

Guul ama Geeri🇸🇱❤️
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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@DR OSMAN fighting Alshabab on open ground, like happened north of Garacad, is totally different from fighting them in the mountains.

They got slaughtered on the open caduun but as soon as they retreated into the valleys of Suuj and Garmaal fighting became difficult and dragged on for like a week. Mountain warfare is just really hard.

This is actually moving more quickly than I had imagined. Just trucking enough water up there is a slog.


@DR OSMAN fighting Alshabab on open ground, like happened north of Garacad, is totally different from fighting them in the mountains.

They got slaughtered on the open caduun but as soon as they retreated into the valleys of Suuj and Garmaal fighting became difficult and dragged on for like a week. Mountain warfare is just really hard.

This is actually moving more quickly than I had imagined. Just trucking enough water up there is a slog.

Their really is only three main fighting theatres which spawns military minds culturally(not small ex farmers or urbanites allocated to security).

Deserts, mountains, arctic type lands. Why not study mountain people like Nepal, Iran, Lebanese Christians, many more in Russia and Mongolia.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
How is embarrassing when PL is the first entity to defeat daaeesh?

The new generation puntites needs this to learn why after itihad wars & Union of Islamic courts our generation volontary joined the ranks for this generation to learn the hard way of SSDF the guul ama geeri way.

Understand you a kacaan offsprings but majority of us are not. PL ama MJ have fought for a century we won't give up now & it's not an embarrassment for us. The support for our our neo SSDF puntite troops have never been higher.

My uncles & awoowes who were first generation SSDF ennvy the level of support our PDF PMPF gets today.
It’s not the same like al shabaab which was mostly in mudug it’s easy to plow nighas down in a flat desert. The daesh are hiding in mountains on some bin laden shit trying to prolong the inevitable like cockroaches. The best bet is blowing everything down to the ground a lot of bombs and drone strikes there aren’t civilians living in these areas so no need to walk on eggshells here.


It’s not the same like al shabaab which was mostly in mudug it’s easy to plow nighas down in a flat desert. The daesh are hiding in mountains on some bin laden shit trying to prolong the inevitable like cockroaches. The best bet is evacuating citizens and completely bombing everything till nothing remains then rebuild from there.

Their doing siege tactics which is good to see water, supply corridors, contain them, prepare for their usual ieds n mines, encroach, set up formations to deal with their (spread out posture) they wanna bait large number of U while they dedicated a few. We were trying to bait the Italians in the interior with that outside the coasts.
Good man, but certainly you’re enemy. He’s bragged about how you guys were defeated in the civil bc war.

HG man who did his best. It wasn’t him who sold the sea, Hassan has 2 foreign ministers unfortunately
He handed over HG to be executed by PL for crimes committed in GM. I’m pretty sure he was defeated in the civil war 😂


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