That was actually another reason why I thought Hawiye is epicenter of Somalia problem. They couldn't even agree on the irir pact and that broke down, they have no knowledge of honoring pacts and agreements and the only plausible explanation is they came out of the bush when Keenadiid came to them. Remember 300 years ago they destroyed they're last govt the ajuuraan, they had 91 exodus and went back living life with no govt, this flows well into why keenadiid came and saw nothing but naked people. Remember they were naked because 'intermarriage' didn't exist at all, they were treated like some 'non somali'.
If u look at MJ names intermarriage is seen with DIR clans so they are REAL SOMALIS, but the same cannot be said of this Hawiye when the evidences are observed. Why can't he honor a pact or agreement? he tried it with irir, he tried it with usc and it turned into 'caga barar' wars which is called the 4 month war, it led into warlord era where they had another pact of no side can form a govt and warlord activities began. Then as soon as the govt was encroaching they go and become terrorists now creating the maxkamad islamiyah and this flowed into shabab the era we are in now.
These niggas dont want a govt sxb, they think they live better without one. Which is true in terms of casualties there is less conflict in hawiye when there is no govt, i can provide real life evidence to that in 99 there wasn't a clan war beyond warlord skermishes of checkpoints(which was important to them since checkpoints provided extortion of vehicles) but they're real bread n butter was bakaraha markets and that was under HG control, the warlord era didn't benefit abgaal from what I saw and they started to lose out in it. HG is the problem and Murusade not abgaal, they get no benefit out of no govt in all honesty abgaalku. Hawiye believe dawladu dhib bay ku gaban beeshooda and hence believe in no govt brings less wars since there nothing to fight over. Look at GM/HS they find it easier living with no govt then making a govt cuz it leads to bloodshed in hawiye like 4 month war ama caga barar. U don't know hawiye like I do anay abti ii yihin, ana jecel inay wax noqdan lakin runtana lagama cararo
Sxb you can't come to PL with hawiye is good people, your argument is weak and ppl will say war naga tag waxba nooma kordhinaysid, waa inaad wax soo kordhisa beyond hawiye is good and isaaq waa is raca iyo irir bala samayna it's useless academic work waxani u cant be university student with that sort of level mind, GOD BLESS DAROD NO WONDER WE LEAD
The main problem for hawiye was usc didn’t have proper institutions and was just a clan militia. The snm had a guurti and elections for the leader which meant in 91 abdirahman tuur went straight in as the leader of isaaq while usc had many leaders. That’s why ali Mahdi and Caydiid had a problem they both thought they were the leader. Also snm had a mandate and was going to be dispanded 3 years after the ousting of barre that was already agreed upon.
The second reason why Somaliland ended up peaceful was we had an excellent statesman in cigaal. Due to the snm being in guutoyin qabil (which had its benefits as if guto didn’t perform its job it would mean the clan is guun that’s why snm done so many suicide missions.) it meant the snm militia men were more loyal to there commanders than the leader of snm or president of Somaliland. This was khatar weyn to nabadgelyada. The first thing cigaal done was apeal to beelaha darafyada who saw him as one of the old politicians from dowlada rayidka and saw what was going on in the south and how armed the snm were and were afraid of genocide. He had all there oday daqameed in his back pocket. He also had the full control of his habar awal clan which is one of the two laandheer isaaq clans the other being garxajis. Another group who was crucial was arap who are not one of the landheer but are vital to securing power and are laangaab go ah. After that he was able to secure HJ because habar Yonis have always historically karbashed them.
The main issue was how to disarm habar Yonis who were one of the two main laandheers and won’t accept anything but then ruling. They didn’t mind democracy as long as they are voted for you get me. Sheekadoda wuxu aha anaga soo talinjirnay. They had hundreds of tekinos tanks and apcs and that’s when the garxajis maryalool war started were garxajis were karbashed by the rest of Somaliland clans.
During this time cigaal was completely dismembering the snm power structure while people were busy with war. He was taking the commanders from the clans he had and making them politicians and putting new people as commanders and mixing the cidaan. He had most of the daqaalo because of berbera port and airport hargeisa and its airport tog wajaale custom and lawyacaado custom so it was easy to manipulate people.
Markay garxajis so jabeen instead of alienating them he kicked out all habar awal And habar jeclo from vital positions and brought garxajis into the gov. You can go on YouTube and see muse bixi and co calaacaling about cigaal on YouTube in the 90s they were made powerless. Then done the same thing to garxajis gave important people gov positions broke the structure of there faction. He send there biggest commander ahmed mire who captured burco in 88 30k and sent him to the uk. And that’s how the snm was destroyed.
Personally I don’t think cigaal was even a sucessionist but was building something to bring to the table when he came to xamar but just ended up having an unexpected death.
Hawiye needed a politician like that and tbh they gone one in sheekh sharif. tHe only way to unite them at that point was Islam seeing as how bad things were. Personally I think he would of purged the extremists eventually but puntland took the opportunity to try to destroy hawiye with the xabashis.
The problems in Somaliland now stem from muse bixi not respecting the clan elders and paying them for their job. No matter how you cut it and slice it they’re the only ones that can calm down a tribe and should be paid so cutting of their money is ganna cause problems in SL. He thinks he’s siad barre.
The British new exactly how to deal with somalis. You have to appeal to there superiority. If you make a Somali feel guun he will destroy the country. That was siad barres main mistake. There was another quote from the British in Kenya they would regularly imprison Bantus but only fine somalis as a Somali will die in jail. I think our egos are tied to our health. That’s why we haven’t compromised in 30 years and would rather a failed state then be ruled over.
Somalia needs a waya arag philosopher to fix it who has studied state building and social engineering. Some who’s studied the works of the East Indian company and how they established there colonies in hostile territory will know How to fix this shit. As long as we are all qabils and don’t have a national identity we can all be proud of we will be a failed state.