Puntland on Edge

A new coalition is formed to save Puntland from Deni. With another coalition led by Asad Diyano, it looks Deni is trapped politically.

With war looming at his doorstep and coalitions forming against him, the question is what will he do?


Deni tried to stop one of the meetings

The letter is from Bari governor, it was unconstitutional and the order was revoked by the interior minister.
It seems the southies don't speak our language, if they see politicians criticizing the government they assume war is coming, elections are in a year and obviously you will see presidential hopefuls campaigning and badmouthing the sitting president but you're hearing something different.
season 2 water GIF by Blunt Talk
Put land has been doing good job for the past 25 years and will never have that large scale civil wars like other maamuls and clans. The 3M agreement they had was much better working system than somaliland’s jeegaan system where one of the biggest clan was sidelined. Somaliland hasn’t learned from their 1994 civil war while puntland learned from theirs in the 90s.
Deni can save his Presidency by declaring an all out war against the Somaliland Terrorists and winning it. That will make him the unquestionably king.
Deni can save his Presidency by declaring an all out war against the Somaliland Terrorists and winning it. That will make him the unquestionably king.
:dead1: I looked at the military capability of both Somaliland and Puntland, and if theirs an all-out war, Somaliland will wipe the floor with them.
The letter is from Bari governor, it was unconstitutional and the order was revoked by the interior minister.
It seems the southies don't speak our language, if they see politicians criticizing the government they assume war is coming, elections are in a year and obviously you will see presidential hopefuls campaigning and badmouthing the sitting president but you're hearing something different.
season 2 water GIF by Blunt Talk
Kkkkkk, "Puntland on the edge" kulaha. He thinks reer PL shares with him his Klingon culture.
Dhulbanto waa fidno...they will kill each other with an AK47 in one hand, while insulting Hawiye 1000Km away :heh:
Waa fara fudud yihiin bro and don’t listen to each other. One of the only few subclans to kill over 100 people amongst each other. Only shekhaal aw qudub and qubeys follow them.
Waa fara fudud yihiin bro and don’t listen to each other. One of the only few subclans to kill over 100 people amongst each other. Only shekhaal aw qudub and qubeys follow them.
I remember them massacring each other over a dead land and a well kkk walle dhulos are crazy
I remember them massacring each other over a dead land and a well kkk walle dhulos are craz
I remember them massacring each other over a dead land and a well kkk walle dhulos are crazy
I remember them massacring each other over a dead land and a well kkk walle dhulos are crazy
The more I think about it the more I realize dhulos are just chechens with black feet. Both of them are confused in which states they should serve