Puntland Security Forces capture 5 Al Shabab Members in Cal Madow, Sanaag

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Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Well Done to our security forces putting their lives on the line to keep us safe:qri8gs7::qri8gs7:

Extract as much info as possible before sending them to aakhiira

Story Below

Ciidamada Amniga Puntland oo Gacanta Ku dhigay Xubno Ka Tirsan Al-shabaab


Ciidamada amniga Puntland ( PSF) oo weheliyeen ciidamada badda Puntland ee PMPF ayaa gacanta ku dhigay 5 xubnood oo ka tirsan ururka Al-shabaab ee ku dhuumaalaysta buuraha Cal-madow ee gobolka Sanaag.

Qoraal kooban oo ciidamada PSF ay ku faafiyeen boggooda Facebooga ayay ku sheegeen in howlgalka lagu soo qabqabtay maleeshiyaadka Al-shabaab uu ka dhacay degaanka dolqooxle oo ka tirsan degaanka Af-urur.

“Ciidanka Amniga Puntland (PSF) ee sida gaarka ah u tababaran oo ay weheliyaan ciidamada PMPF puntland oo hawlgal dagaal oo ka dhan ururka argagixisada Al Shabaab ee ku dhuumaalaysta Buuraha Cal madow ka fuliyey buuraleyda deegaanka Dolqooxle oo hoostaga tuulada Afurur ee gobolka Sanaag, ayaa waxay hawlgalkan ciidamada Puntland ku soo qabteen 5 xubnood oo ka tirsan cadowga Al Shabaab” sidaas waxaa lagu yiri qoraalka ciidamadu ay soo bandhigeen Facebooga

“Hawlgalladan sifaynta ah ee ciidamada dawladda Puntland wadaan awgood, argagixisadu waxay bilaabeen in ay baxsadaan oo ay cararaan qaybna ay is-dhiibaan sida caadada u ah fulayada”


Ciidamada Puntland waxay sheegeen inay ka go’antahay in aysan jiri doonin gabaad ama meel ay ku dhuuntaan kuwa acadowga ku ah dawladnimada iyo nabadda shacabka Soomaaliyeed, waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeene.

Ciidamadu qoraalkooda kuma sheegeen in howlgalkaasi lagu soo qabqabtay maleeshiyaadka Al-shabaab uu ka dashay dhimasho iyo dhaawac labada dhinac soo gaartay iyo sidoo kale in dagaal fool ka fool ah uu dhexmaray labada dhinac.

Maleeshiyaadka Al-shabaab ayaa 7 sanno la soo dhaafay waxay dagaal dhumaalaysi ah ay ka wadeen buuraha Cal-madowe ee gobolka Sanaag, iyagoo weeraro khasaare dhaliyay ku soo qaadayay ciidamadda amaanka Puntland. weerarkii ugu cuslaa, uguna khasaaraha badnaa waxay ku qaadeen saldhiga ciidamadu ku lahaayeen tuuladda Af-urur, halkaasi oo ay ku dhinteen askar iyo dad shacab ah.

Why isn’t anyone in Puntland opening up a factory that converts dump trucks and moving trucks into military grade vehicles?

Tired of seeing these Japanese pick up trucks where 2 people call off every 100kms.

It’s not that difficult to order titanium steal and build/weld our own molds into trucks.




the pussy is never yours, its just your turn.
Why isn’t anyone in Puntland opening up a factory that converts dump trucks and moving trucks into military grade vehicles?

Tired of seeing these Japanese pick up trucks where 2 people call off every 100kms.

It’s not that difficult to order titanium steal and build/weld our own molds into trucks.



Good idea

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Why isn’t anyone in Puntland opening up a factory that converts dump trucks and moving trucks into military grade vehicles?

Tired of seeing these Japanese pick up trucks where 2 people call off every 100kms.

It’s not that difficult to order titanium steal and build/weld our own molds into trucks.


We already have them


Your superior
mashallah, must been hard for the puntland forces to arrest fellow puntlanders but they wouldve been executed by the SL forces
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