Puntland the only bastion of peace in Somalia

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Galgala we have somaliland dhiigshiil funded terrorists in the mountainous regions of galgala willing to die for ictiraaf.

In bari the mountainous regions of qandala there's terrorists funded by Hassan sheikh Mohamud (the money belonging to the Somali people) who has teamed up with terrorists to disrupt the election process so he may remain in office.

In mudug you have al shabaab sympathisers willing to destroy the people of puntland cause of their disdain for the majority, in galkacyo, out of the four districts only one belongs to the al shabaab sympathisers who are Being manipulated by Hassan sheikh & are playing right into his agenda & his bid to disrupt the election process. Hassan sheikh has teamed up with al shabaab, my enemies enemy is my friend.

Allah tests those he loves best indeed..
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I mean surely if you're a rational man you would just agree to disagree without going below the belt.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
@Mudug-Madman i take it that you're from puntland right? What part of what I said do you disagree with for you to spew all these profanities?
"Somaliland diigshil" "daesh funded by HSM" really? Come on man, this shit is needlessly inflammatory, on top of being absolutely untrue. I dislike HSM and the secessionist government but there's no need to make shit up. And there's the last line "Allah tests those he loves best" which is the most egregious. Please don't bring our deen into qablyad bullshit. How can you be Salafi and qabilist at the same time? You guys don't even believe in nationalism, forget qabilism.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
"Somaliland diigshil" "daesh funded by HSM" really? Come on man, this shit is needlessly inflammatory, on top of being absolutely untrue. I dislike HSM and the secessionist government but there's no need to make shit up. And there's the last line "Allah tests those he loves best" which is the most egregious. Please don't bring our deen into qablyad bullshit. How can you be Salafi and qabilist at the same time? You guys don't even believe in nationalism, forget qabilism.
Tell that to your mothers vagina, don't ever try to dictate to me what I can or can't say hooyada waase, when have I said I am a salafi, bradar watch your wife I'll sell her.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
:drakelaugh:Get help bro, and keep Puntland out ya mouth. You're an embarrassment. :ufdup:
After you tell the that bore you to give me brains. Who made you the spokesperson of puntland like as if puntland belongs to you? You ain't no boqor burhan nor are you abdiweli Ali gaas so f*ck off out this thread hooyada waase and never try dictate to me again.
Lol isn't puntland in the middle of a war?

Tell that to your mothers vagina, don't ever try to dictate to me what I can or can't say hooyada waase, when have I said I am a salafi, bradar watch your wife I'll sell her.
After you tell the that bore you to give me brain.

How the f*ck are you going to claim to be religious and talk so much trash.

What does his mum have to do with the topic you fucking neef.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lol isn't puntland in the middle of a war?

How the f*ck are you going to claim to be religious and talk so much trash.

What does his mum have to do with the topic you fucking neef.
Who are you? His mother? Naa iskoronyo yahay hadalka badan hada joojin adiga naftirka inte machineka kugu raqibo aa maasoo ka kiciniya ma garatey naaya.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Beerka caro ku goosey, meesha maxay moodey gurigeyda, naa waa edeb daran tahay ee bax oo wax isku faal affka iyo hoosta weey ka faalan tahay kkk
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