Puntland VP On His European Tour


Wafdigii uu hogaaminayey md kuxigeenka dowladda pl mudane lugatoor ee wadama yurub hawlo shaqo ujoogay ayaa baarlamaanka sweden kula kulmay laylo ilmi oo ah xubin baarlamaanka wadanka sweden kamid ah leylo oo ah gabar reer puntland ah

Waxaan soo xusuustay hadalkii faysal cali waraabe ee ahaa aduunka xafiiskii ay dan naga gasho waxaa nooga horeeya oo kula kulanaa qof reer puntland ah



I hope Lugator comes to Australia, we have contacts in Indonesian Ambassador here who wants to meet Jabartis who were disciples sent to Indonesia to spread Islam, they still visit Yemen to visit his tomb.

I can organise boqor burhan tour to meet the sultan of indonesia thru our embassy contact here, it would be great for PL interests. As puntites we only make friends with ppl that have power, not tourist peasants which isaaq do lol.

I also encouraged Puntite kids to be sent to play sports and make friends with rich elite areas whether academic, business, or politics in Australia when I went to the PL diaspora forum meeting in Melbourne, this will ensure friendly ties will open up for us thru our kids having contact with nasab kids of powerful areas in Australia.

Puntitequeen we r ensuring our next generation are within the social circles of nasab powerful people in Australia🦘. The name Majerten will be honoured worldwide is our goal.
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