Puntland's Forensic Science Laboratory


This is a great service, you won't get away with rape in Puntland. May all the filthy minded think twice before they take this route!!! This will also provide DNA forensic testing for all crimes including Murder.

Guess what, you kill someone in puntland, you leave your dna trace on that body which can be even a small hair, they collect that from the crime scene, take it to the lab, store it. Let police find the killer and then test his dna against the stored dna and your done for!!!

When in PL please behave, that's the message this center will send to enemies of the state!!!


It's great we have amazing labs popping up in Puntland. We have the food/drinks quality labs and now Forensic DNA services. While Gambar is asking north mudug folks to leave all this behind and sit in a damn hotel in cadaado and talk about 'ana ka xoog badan' :drakelaugh:
Puntland's forensic Science bureau has really revolutionised how criminal cases and investigated and dealt with in Puntland.

They not only investigate crimes but they also testify in court. They are all highly educated and regularly receive training.

Here is their twitter handle: https://twitter.com/BureauForensics/media



Puntland's Forensic bureau also works with Jubbaland

The Bureau of Forensic Science

A high-level delegation from @Jubbalandstate1
including the Deputy Speaker, Ministers for Constitution & Federal Affairs, General Services & Housing, & State House visited today. Our team & the delegation agreed upon building forensic cooperation b/w us & J/land.



Mareykanka oo ammaan u jeediyay Hay’adda baarista DNA-ga ee Puntland (Akhriso)




Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa bogaadisay shaqada Hey’adda Sheybaarka Cilmiyeysan, Foreensig Saynis-ka ee Puntland, waxaana ay sheegtay inay ku guuleysatay ka qeyb-qaadashada wax ka qabashada dambiyadda dhaca, iyadoo baareysa dhecaanada iyo Simbalada dhibanayaasha iyo eedeysanayaasha.

Sidoo kale, War-saxaafadeed kasoo baxay Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa lagu sheegay inay taageero buuxda siin doonaan Hay’adan oo muhiim u ah kala saarista dambiyadda ka dhanka ah Aadanaha.

Qoraalka Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa imaanaya maalin kaddib markii Maxkamadda darajada kowaad ee Gobalka Nugaal ay sii deysay 6 Eedeysane oo kamid ahaa ragii loo heystay Kiiskii kufsiga iyo dilka ahaa ee AUN Marxuumad Hodan Shanleyste, kaddib markii Sheybaarka Cilmiyeysan, Foreensig, Saynis-ka ee Puntland, uh cadeeyay in aysan qeyb ka aheyn falkaas, kaddib baaris uu ku sameeyay dhecaanada DNA-ga eedeysanayaasha iyo Sambaladii laga soo qaaday Marxuumada oo is waafaqi waayay.

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We need forensic labs all over the country, it’s a huge sign of progress and law and order slowly returning. Recently Kenyans were shocked to see the health minister sentenced to many years in prison for corruption. I believe in no time, we will be an example to the rest of Africa :)
Mareykanka oo ammaan u jeediyay Hay’adda baarista DNA-ga ee Puntland (Akhriso)




Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa bogaadisay shaqada Hey’adda Sheybaarka Cilmiyeysan, Foreensig Saynis-ka ee Puntland, waxaana ay sheegtay inay ku guuleysatay ka qeyb-qaadashada wax ka qabashada dambiyadda dhaca, iyadoo baareysa dhecaanada iyo Simbalada dhibanayaasha iyo eedeysanayaasha.

Sidoo kale, War-saxaafadeed kasoo baxay Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa lagu sheegay inay taageero buuxda siin doonaan Hay’adan oo muhiim u ah kala saarista dambiyadda ka dhanka ah Aadanaha.

Qoraalka Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa imaanaya maalin kaddib markii Maxkamadda darajada kowaad ee Gobalka Nugaal ay sii deysay 6 Eedeysane oo kamid ahaa ragii loo heystay Kiiskii kufsiga iyo dilka ahaa ee AUN Marxuumad Hodan Shanleyste, kaddib markii Sheybaarka Cilmiyeysan, Foreensig, Saynis-ka ee Puntland, uh cadeeyay in aysan qeyb ka aheyn falkaas, kaddib baaris uu ku sameeyay dhecaanada DNA-ga eedeysanayaasha iyo Sambaladii laga soo qaaday Marxuumada oo is waafaqi waayay.

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We need more engineering-technology-science-mathamatic industries in Puntland. I can definitely assist puntland to journey thru Informtion Technology stack so we can be Somalia and Regional technology hub. Information TECH is about the 'domains' of hardware-software-networking-security. I have strong experience in all the stack but specialize in security layer. Puntland has a stronger HDI then Somalia @Waaqmasho
They recently solved a case of 2 families claiming 1 man as their relative.

Dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta si rasmiya u shaacisay Natiijada ka soo baxday baaritaan ku saabsan Hidda-sidaha DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), oo lagu sameeyay nin da’diisu tahay 63-sano jir, kaas oo laba Qoys ku muransanaayeen.

Shaacinta Natiijada ka hor, ku xigeenka Xeer Ilaaliyaha guud ee dowladda Puntland Maxamed Xareed Faarax ayaa labada Qoys u bandhigay in ay aqbali doonaan Natiijada soo baxda, taas oo ay ballan-qaadeen.

Guddoomiyaha hay’adda Forensic science-ka dowladda Puntland Cabdirashiid Maxamed Shire oo gacanta ku hayay baaritaanka, ayaa shaaciyay labada Qoys midka uu la hiddo noqday ninka lagu muransanaa.

Labada Qoys midkood, oo uu wakiil ka-ahaa Cabdirisaaq Siciid Ismaaciil, ayuu la hidde nodqay ninkii lagu muransanaa, kadib markii la mariyay baaritaanka cilmiyaysan Forensic-ga.

Qoyska labaad, oo iyagana uu wakiil ka-ahaa Cali Axmed Aaden, islamarkaana sheeganayay ninkan magaciisa la qariyay, ayay isku hidde-noqon waayeen, sida ka soo baxday Natiijada.
We need more engineering-technology-science-mathamatic industries in Puntland. I can definitely assist puntland to journey thru Informtion Technology stack so we can be Somalia and Regional technology hub. Information TECH is about the 'domains' of hardware-software-networking-security. I have strong experience in all the stack but specialize in security layer. Puntland has a stronger HDI then Somalia @Waaqmasho

I think they should start limiting those fluff degrees, and have mostly stem or vocational schools.
Or perhaps, only allow people to pursue those social science degrees after getting a diploma in stem or vocational schools.
I am going to contact them about my Somali clan Suugo Science and see if they are willing to do further research on it, kkkk. @Warsame The Strategist @Jablibax

Maybe contact the Professors at Puntland State University who did the study on DNA in Bosaso.

I think Somalis should start their own research departments into ancestral heritage and not rely on Western companies.



They recently solved a case of 2 families claiming 1 man as their relative.

It's also used for criminal matters like killing-rape-etc where DNA is collected from the site and it's taken to this lab to compare against the culprit.
I think they should start limiting those fluff degrees, and have mostly stem or vocational schools.
Or perhaps, only allow people to pursue those social science degrees after getting a diploma in stem or vocational schools.

Same with those professional degrees and replace it for technical trades like plumbing-electrician-mechanic-painters-carpentry-furniture making-ship-yards.

We need far more hands-on technical trades then our over supplied mid-wifery-nursing-economists-political science and shit which is all subjective sciences not objective sciences or anything that actually creates a product or service that the economy needs.
It's also used for criminal matters like killing-rape-etc where DNA is collected from the site and it's taken to this lab to compare against the culprit.

Same with those professional degrees and replace it for technical trades like plumbing-electrician-carpentry-furniture making-ship-yards. We need far more hands-on technical trades then mid-wifery-nursing-economists-political science and shit which is all subjective sciences not objective sciences.

Yes, they solved the infamous Casha Ilyas case. I am so proud of the Forensic Team, Allah protect them.

Puntland needs to take fingerprints from everyone in the state and maybe even dna samples if possible. We need to make it very hard to commit crimes.


@PuntiteQueen I don't mean we don't need professionals especially financial-human resources(hr), accountants, but that only depends on the market place and how it's developed, if it's less developed then those jobs will be scarce and not needed. We need a technical industry and that comes from 'stem'. Even technology depends on the market place and how many companies and industries exist. So we do need economists but we are over-saturated with economists-political scientists in Somalia. We need more engineers-mathamaticians-technology guys and more general science guys like this forensic lab