Qoor Qoor rewards top ranking students in CW with money


Farmaajo biggest mistake was choosing Ali Guudlaawe as president of Hirshabelle.

Ali Guudlaawe was on his feet all election night campaigning for HSM along with PM Roble throughout after having secured the majority of Hirshabelle seats for HSM. Fahad Yasiin MP election was declared void due to Guudlaawe pressure. Many NN have written about him. Guudlaawe was already governor of Middle Shabelle for a decade prior to his Hirshabelle positions.

Bootlicker mooryaan QQ never held any govt, police or military position and has no support amongst his tol. Look at him here wecel waa ba yahay asigo la dilay ama ka cararay dhusamareeb aa balan ino ah


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Farmaajo biggest mistake was choosing Ali Guudlaawe as president of Hirshabelle.

Ali Guudlaawe was on his feet all election night campaigning for HSM along with PM Roble throughout after having secured the majority of Hirshabelle seats for HSM. Fahad Yasiin MP election was declared void due to Guudlaawe pressure. Many NN have written about him. Guudlaawe was already governor of Middle Shabelle for a decade prior to his Hirshabelle positions.

Bootlicker mooryaan QQ never held any govt, police or military position and has no support amongst his tol. Look at him here wecel waa ba yahay asigo la dilay ama ka cararay dhusamareeb aa balan ino ah
Qoor Qoor wuu soo laaban wa laandhere Saleeban maxa ka qaadi karta. Ceeldheer orod iskool u dhis, waxbarasho laan iyo jahli idin hayste.


Qoor Qoor wuu soo laaban wa laandhere Saleeban maxa ka qaadi karta. Ceeldheer orod iskool u dhis, waxbarasho laan iyo jahli idin hayste.
'Laandheere Salebaan' :heh: adigo lkàyar ah miyaa aniga hg ii kala saar saaree.

He doesn't represent salebaan or habar gidir. If he did would followed Guudlaawes lead but I personally believe he is a wecel like many others

