Qoslaya give Somalia exclusive rights for livestock exports to Saudi Business man



Not just sell South Somalia rights and take money, Even Puntland and Jeegaan rights he sell them!!. :snoop:

And here same says why we hate Qoslaya moryaan!!.

Sad the prices we sell organic and naturally fed livestock in a perfect thermal climate of heat during the day, cold at night, plus a natural diet and feed and rainy season(balanced genome), while animals full of chemicals and poisons in horrible climate and given artificial colouring at butcher store to disguise their low grade sell their shit at a premium and if it's grown naturally in their land with no chemicals, it's graded as premium organic also as it's eaten it's natural diet not grains feed and thousands of chemical injections.

Africa has the best food also and quality and prices should reflect that, it's a competitive advantage to other livestock of the same category, imagine Kobe or wagyu was raised here and the wicked genome that would develop organically. Noone wants to much fatty meat anymore due to health issues, they want lean cuts which requires the animal eats well after rains and also experience harsh weather during the day to shed off fat to balance leanness in its flesh.

I can't wait to have my BBQ camped out in the mountains near a beach, nature is very healing.
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I feel disgusted when HSM represents Somalia, this guy is the lowest grade of talent when Somalia had a govt under siyad, the dude was a drop out from school and loitered around bibitos in sigaale. Where was HSM when Somalis had a proper govt, nowhere to be seen but survives and thrives under 4.5(the worst among u win).

This is me and most Puntites when we see HSM reppin all Somalis.


The dude who sold Mogadishu airport and port for 30 years and lost 50 billion over the life time of the lease for a 2 million terminal 😆 Don't get me started on the airport hotel money loses(decale) or Turkish hospitals, turks r robbing Somalia yet hawiye call them brother what a motherfuckin pimp hand, turks must be laughing with the world talking about the pimp hand in Mogadishu.
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