question about crime among the somali UK-US Diaspora


We often hear about knife crime in the UK specifically London and gang crime in the US.
My question is are somalis in the Us-Uk involved in the same amount of crime as african americans and british afro caribbeans?
Any evidence or personal experiences? For example What is the incarceration rate for somalis compared to other ethnicities in the US and UK?


In the USA Somalis aren’t involved 5e most they do is probably steal and sell stuff UK Somalis is a different story
How exactly? Are Uk somalis causing the same ammount of trouble as other demographics? Cadaans always say black people are disproportionately affected by kinfe crime both as victims and perpetrators in the UK. Honestly though I wonder how manu of those black people are caribbean and now many are african. I always thought west africans in the Uk were kinda like a highly educated model minority close to indians and chinese
In the USA Somalis aren’t involved 5e most they do is probably steal and sell stuff UK Somalis is a different story
Why do you say that, Younger Somalis in the uk are heavily involved in drug dealing. Apart from that you can’t compare the 2. US is way more violent than the UK. The whole of uk has less murders than NY or LA. So US Somalis if you feel like your life is in danger come to the uk. There is less than 0.001% chance of getting stabbed.
My mum is so scared for my little brothers she’s willing to go to Egypt and take them, we had this Somali guy come knocking to our house without shoes saying some guys were trying to kill him, my sister said he’s some known gangster who was in the wrong neighbourhood as my area apparently is controlled by an Asian gang who’s beefing with his area where it’s all Somali and Arab gang. This incident had my mum shook


My mum is so scared for my little brothers she’s willing to go to Egypt and take them, we had this Somali guy come knocking to our house without shoes saying some guys were trying to kill him, my sister said he’s some known gangster who was in the wrong neighbourhood as my area apparently is controlled by an Asian gang who’s beefing with his area where it’s all Somali and Arab gang. This incident had my mum shook
Did you guys take him in?


Go to nearly every small town in the uk and you'll find malis from london posted up next to wherever the rehab centre is lol.

Why do you say that, Younger Somalis in the uk are heavily involved in drug dealing. Apart from that you can’t compare the 2. US is way more violent than the UK. The whole of uk has less murders than NY or LA. So US Somalis if you feel like your life is in danger come to the uk. There is less than 0.001% chance of getting stabbed.
For adults yes. Id say if your 16-21 and the outdoors type you can get it easy. Minnesota which is a state has less murders than london. Tell them stay over there.
Go to nearly every small town in the uk and you'll find malis from london posted up next to wherever the rehab centre is lol.

For adults yes. Id say if your 16-21 and the outdoors type you can get it easy. Minnesota which is a state has less murders than london. Tell them stay over there.
London had 130 murders in a city of 8 million. Minneapolis had 49 murders in a city of half million.


How exactly? Are Uk somalis causing the same ammount of trouble as other demographics? Cadaans always say black people are disproportionately affected by kinfe crime both as victims and perpetrators in the UK. Honestly though I wonder how manu of those black people are caribbean and now many are african. I always thought west africans in the Uk were kinda like a highly educated model minority close to indians and chinese
they're actually still caribbeans the ones that mostly do the crime and also central africans e.g congolese that do a lot of crimes
one group that goes undermined is the canadian somalis. in other areas somalis aren’t the majority for crime, it’s usually AA or i’m prob guessing carbs for the Uk. in toronto it’s mostly somalis running the streets and killing everywhere, shits sad


London had 130 murders in a city of 8 million. Minneapolis had 49 murders in a city of half million.
Still safe considering guns are easily available and compared to the rest of the us its nothing. Birmingham had 50 last year with a population of about a million and manchester im sure isnt too far behind with half a mill. Like i said for adults i agree its calm but clearly not for 16-22 boys.


Kick in the door wavin the .44
2 things to add.

1) Black people cannot commit more crimes than white people because they are a minority population. This is even more clear when it comes to Somalis. Every adult Somali in the UK could commit a crime and it would still be less than white criminals.
But what we do have is over representation of black criminals in certain types of crime, and over representation in the media.
Which leads me to my second point.

2) Minority ethnic’s are over represented in certain crimes but not others. These tend to be crimes of poverty. Theft, selling drugs, robberies, gang violence. These type of crimes are more obvious, and so they are more sensationalised in the media. White-collar crimes like insurance fraud, Corporation fraud, money laundering, high end drug cartels, don’t get as much media coverage, and they are mostly white people crimes ( maybe some Asians for drugs). Same with pedophilia, serial killers/attackers, mostly white.

Theres also some dodgy agenda in the UK media to over emphasise ethnic criminals. Like there was a pedophile ring of Pakistanis a few years ago. And their ethnicity and religion were a key factor in the reporting. Even though white men make up like 99% of all pedophiles in prison. But that 1x they find an ethnic committing a crime it’s treated as a pandemic of ethnic people aping out and being degenerates. This is one reason ethnics stand out - another reason unique to Somalis is because we have a high proportion of ilmo xoolo ah oo waligood yac la dhahin and who no one bothered to actually raise.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
London had 130 murders in a city of 8 million. Minneapolis had 49 murders in a city of half million.
After George Floyd everything went to hell, in 2020 we had 80 and now the way stuff is going we’re on pace to have even more this year, even Columbus had a rough year with 175.

