R/Africa Removes my post on Ahmad Gurey


I have been lurking on that sub for a long time and they are all a bunch of pan Africanists, Whenever something positive is posted about Somalia the comments are just full of haters talking about how impoverished it is. (Even though they are also from shitholes)
At one point i remember seeing a long ass post made by some bantu (I think burundi) who talked about how somalis are genetically savage behaviour due to being nomadic and could not create civilisations whilst somehow he says the bantu, due to being farmers, are more "civilised".
The guys posts have been deleted but the replies still show some of the picture, ironically it was an Ethiopian who defended us against the bantu in the comments:

Here is my other post that instantly got removed by african mods because i was teaching Somali history. They are just a bunch of Niger-Congo supremacists... You will regularly see that whenever a north african makes a post (especially Egyptians) you will see a flood of madows telling them that they are not real africans and how they are just arab invaders.


I will not allow jealous madows stop me from teaching the horn's history. :Heil:


Thats Somali propaganda sxb he was a highlander xabasha
Where were the xabasha in his army? He conquered y'all and turned you into Muslims lmao.
His army was mostly of Somalis and had Afars as an important part of it.
Read futuh al habesh
"He was a highlander habesha" Lol he came up those mountains and pillaged your ancestors he was certainly not one of you

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Where were the xabasha in his army? He conquered y'all and turned you into Muslims lmao.
His army was mostly of Somalis and had Afars as an important part of it.
Read futuh al habesh
"He was a highlander habesha" Lol he came up those mountains and pillaged your ancestors he was certainly not one of you
Hadiya , Afar , Gurage, Hararis Arabs and Siltes were the backbone of Adal lil bro you know next to nothing infact its Afars who were called Adari after Adal.

Adal was Ethiopian not Somalian, dont claim our history issa somalian


Dadkaan ahay waa Duriyad Saare iyo Dawolad! 👑
That’s why I stick to forums for Somalis. I’m sure those Bantus lurk here and see our savagery towards one another but in that same sentiment it hurts hella when a Bantu uses that against us


Hadiya , Afar , Gurage, Hararis Arabs and Siltes were the backbone of Adal lil bro you know next to nothing infact its Afars who were called Adari after Adal.
The afars called themselves adari no non-afar called them that. It's pure cope.
Why was the capital located at Zelia at first?


Hadiya , Afar , Gurage, Hararis Arabs and Siltes were the backbone of Adal lil bro you know next to nothing infact its Afars who were called Adari after Adal.

Adal was Ethiopian not Somalian, dont claim our history issa somalian
Adal put ethiopia on the brink
Us issa made afars our "Gurey was afar" nigga please how did they rule so much Somali territory if they have been kept on the brink of extinction by us ciise?


how was zelia afar? Somalis have their roots there before they migrated south. It was started by proto-somalis


Brother the next to rule over Djibouti is Afar its over for Somalians
How will afars rule djibouti? We are 70% of the population and we ciise take their daughters as concubines. How will they rule shit when they keep crying about oppression. Gonna make us Ciise move like cadaans giving "Affirmative action" for the afars after how long we oppressed them


He's for cush unity, so I don't think he care about if the people his ancestors once were raiding, now were to take over and subjugate him. As long as they are non-Bantu, or have I missed anything?

Family Feud Lol GIF by Steve Harvey
No I will definitely care.
The thing is i view bantus as jokes but these cushites that border us Ciise are just as blood thirsty as us so we are determined to whip their fuuto in war