Racial profiling gone wrong as Swedish men were mistaken for terrorists.

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Andreas Fransson belongs to the Swedish chapter of the Bearded Villains, a brotherhood of bearded fellows who, according to Fransson, "strive to make the world better, by standing up to injustice, homophobia, oppression.

A jolly gathering of these facial-hair aficionados on Saturday took an odd turn. About 30 of them had assembled for a photo shoot at the Brahehus Castle ruins sporting formal wear, handlebar mustaches and trilby hats. But it didn't look that way to a passerby.

Two police officers arrived at the shoot and told the group that they had received a call from someone reporting that "they drove past and saw about 30 terrorists waving an ISIS flag," Fransson said, referring to the Islamic State militant group, also known as ISIS and ISIL.

"We had a good laugh with the cops, who had to respond to the call but quickly saw that we weren't terrorists, out in the middle of nowhere, dressed in formal wear, hugging and laughing," according to Fransson.

Swedish far-right leader says Islamism is a bigger threat than Nazism]

The incident has drawn worldwide attention to the Bearded Villains organization, which is resisting another label: hipster.

"Style and class of a man shouldn't be called 'Hipster,'" the group insisted on its Instagram page. "The Media can be so dumb and people should understand that rocking a damn good beard and keeping class at means more than a stupid stereotype."

This isn't the first time that people have misidentified flags being waved in Europe as those of the Islamic State.

In June,CNN reported that an Islamic State flag was spotted on the streets of London during the London Pride celebration. It turns out that the flag carried images of sex toys. And earlier this year, someone mistook balloons shaped like '21' to celebrate a Swedish woman's birthday as an abbreviation for the Islamic State and reported it to police..


da hell?
I give it 2 years before the right wing strikes us proper, its getting worse with Isis. My german friend was telling me the other day, Somalis in Europe better save some money to go back home.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I give it 2 years before the right wing strikes us proper, its getting worse with Isis. My german friend was telling me the other day, Somalis in Europe better save some money to go back home.

I don't want to be rude but you rarely ever make sense. Are you on meds?
I don't want to be rude but you rarely ever make sense. Are you on meds?

Hahaha I agree but I dunno I like her. Her randonmess intrigues me.

On topic though, lol. I hate how when cadaans grow a beard its hip and cool, if a Muslamic guy does the same he's a potential terrorist. The hypocrisy reeks.


I give it 2 years before the right wing strikes us proper, its getting worse with Isis. My german friend was telling me the other day, Somalis in Europe better save some money to go back home.

Actually she is making sense for the 1st time well to me that is anyway, I remember like two months ago I was growing a beard and few people came up to me out of the blue saying sxb shave you're beard. They go like this place is a paranoid place, funny thing is they thought I was a muslim when I was only going for a different look, man Europe in it's entirety is going down the gutter :trash::snoop:
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